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Jason Love

Friend of HG
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Friend of HG

Friend of HG (2/10)




  2. AQ 4 lyfe mayne we miss u

  3. Miss ya buddy


  4. This is Cure, leaving a message on Jason Love's page. Forever remembered AQ

  5. Hey man, i just can't find a pic of a T that i can use for your signature, i'll be happy to do it if you can get me one, sorry for the delay

  6. No dude, its totally fine, im ok with waiting. I just wanted to make sure you didnt forget about it. Sorry man, you dont have to rush or anything, just checkin. Thanks Provision, you the best!
  7. Hey Provision, did u get to mines yet? Its been up their for a while ;(
  8. Hey llama, am i pretty down the list? or are you close to mine?
  9. Thanks Dark for letting me know that you can do it. Can't wait for it!
  10. Signature, Spray, Signature: Forum Banner Background: Black Shadows (anything to fit this: ) Images:Just like the url i sent, but instead of that css player model, can u get a Jail break player model. A person that was in jail, so his uniform is all orange just like prisoners have it. Also if u can make him hold a m4 and make it "3D" like it looks like it is coming out of the image.: Colors: Different types of Blue, and black shadows Texts: -hg- Jason Love ºĄϘº Additional Info: Make the text look old. The colors of the text can fit the background, so a white-blue. The text u can add some creativity and please add lighting and dust effects. Thanks Dark!
  11. Jailbreak & AQ

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Jason Love

      Jason Love

      lol, no bullshit are allowed here. Only GayQ's are allowed

    3. Darkkran


      LOL Stop the BullShit, Only BRICKSQUAD HERE

    4. Jason Love
  12. Signature, Spray, Signature: Forum Banner Background: Black Shadows (anything to fit this: http://i.imgur.com/wCYVAQO.png) Images:Just like the url i sent, but instead of that css player model, can u get a Jail break player model. A person that was in jail, so his uniform is all orange just like prisoners have it. Also if u can make him hold a m4 and make it "3D" like it looks like it is coming out of the image.: Colors: Different types of Blue, and black shadows Texts: -hg- Jason Love ºĄϘº Additional Info: Make the text look old. The colors of the text can fit the background, so a white-blue. The text u can add some creativity and please add lighting and dust effects. Thanks Llama and love your signatures!
  13. I need a forum signature/ image. Im going to be using it for the forums and in game spray. Criteria: https://hellsgamers.com/calendar/event/599-strategy-division-recruitment-drive/ Something like that, but put more effets, like lighting and dust effects. also put my name, Jason Love ºĄϘº also make the name really big and noticable and then u can put HG Recruit Thanks!