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Shaggy Rogers

Friend of HG
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Advanced Member II

Advanced Member II (4/10)



  1. I havent been on here in 2 years. I'm no longer a father. What am I even doing with my life.

  2. So I'm moving to Colorado! Any HG bros wanna hangout?

  3. Welcome to HG. Don't drink the water.
  4. Thanks for the promotion guys.

    1. Darkmoonstalker
    2. FaZe


      Only a few days late

  5. 654 Because statistically its better to pick the outliers.
  6. until

    I have work. Good luck everyone!
  7. Welcome back. Since this isn't your first time here, you know to keep your wallet on a chain and not in your back pocket.
  8. Welcome. Check your drink for roofies.
  9. Welcome! Remember that family pet you had that ran away all those years ago? HG took it.
  10. Glad to have you in HG! If any of these people give you Kool-Aid it is not Kool-Aid and you should not drink it.
  11. Welcome to HG. Make sure to check the free candy for razor blades.
  12. I am so bucking glad it's Friday

    1. KB


      Slow down there buckaroo. x)

    1. Shaggy Rogers

      Shaggy Rogers

      The most American thing ever.


    2. Ace_0025


      I'd be mad if my cheese sticks didn't have any CHEESE

  13. While I tag along. "Hey man. You gonna finish that?"
  14. Did I miss something big?

    1. zoomcheesewizard


      Yes. You missed ur mother

    2. KB


      Respect all mothers.

    3. DigitalPrintz


      Many people quit, many others are thinking of it.