1) How Old Are You?
2) A Link To Your Lolking Profile :
3) What timezone are you in?
My timezone is Pacific
4) How often (would you say) You could find time to play ranked 5's?
Im online almost everyday but i have found a job so i get of around 2pm my time
5) Have you ever been banned from League Of Legends?
Never been banned
6) What is your main role?
My main role is support and i have 50+ champions so i can top and jungle also prioritize champion picks over me
7) What is your secondary role?
I would say my secondary role is jungle
8) Did you read the Application thread in its entirety?
I read the Application completely
9) If given the opportunity, would you like to be the Captain* of your team?
I would not be the main Captain but i can step up if needed i tend to follow rules better than give them but will not hesitate to voice my opinion