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  1. Yeah the other thing about the BT nerf is that Graves and Jinx aren't as good anymore. But I still really like botrk as an item because kiting feels so much more comfortable.
  2. With Patch 4.10 being out for a week or so now I thought it would be a good idea to discuss what everyone thinks of the changes. My thoughts are more specifically aimed at the changes they made to ADC seeing as that is role I have been playing the most for years now. I honestly really like them, with the buffs to attack speed and the B.F. Sword damage increase I really feel ADC's will now be more of a menace. As for builds I really like BotRK into IE, I hear people doing IE rush first, but honestly if you do BotRK first and the other person does IE the person with the BotRK will get their item first and still have a timing window to do dragons, 2v2 skirmishes etc before the other can get their IE. Also the Randuins nerf was nice.
  3. -hg- Clan Application Game Division Strategy (MOBA / RTS / TBS) In-Game Name Glorpy Location Canada, Ontario How old are you? 17 Which games (servers) do you play on? For everything I play on North America How long have you been playing on our servers? None, just registered What is your Steam ID / GUID? Bamurdead0, or just Mike with a blue picture Why do you want to join HG? I wanted to join your community because I want to have my own little community that none of my buddies know about where I can meet new people and just enjoy playing with everyone All members are required to be on our TeamSpeak3 Server whenever playing. Will you agree with this rule? Yes Who (if anyone) referred you to apply? AdmirableAdmiral Any other information you want to include is welcome Have been gaming my whole life and have a passion for it. Can be competitive when it matters and relaxed when it matters or if needed.