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Paul :)

HG Veteran
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Paul :) last won the day on February 7 2016

Paul :) had the most liked content!

About Paul :)

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Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    In Sirius' belly button
  • Occupation
    Volunteer at NEAM
  • Interests
  • Bio
    I fly regularly (with my dad). On track to solo at 16!

Computer Specs

  • Operating System
    Windows 7
  • Display Monitor(s)
    32inch Samsung TV, and 1 1680x1050 Samsung Monitor
  • Headset
    Corsair VOID RGB
  • Mouse
    Logitech M570
  • Keyboard
    Corsair STRAFE RGB
  • Misc Other
    Saitek X65F H.O.T.A.S

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Paul :)'s Achievements

Elite Member III

Elite Member III (7/10)



  1. I feel like a ghost.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. epicgamercharchar1312[UK]


      Good think you came back in SPOOKTOBER

    3. Sirius


      You still play with poop.

    4. Paul :)

      Paul :)

      I love how I’ve forever made my mark on sirius’ signature

  2. Happy birthday!

  3. I don't even remember how I made my profile picture anymore.

    1. brgr.
    2. Sirius


      Go to bed. It's past your bed time .

    3. Paul :)

      Paul :)

      You always were a good father to me, Sirius.

  4. https://imgur.com/a/5RxAp Senior Pics, and then I kind of grew a beard?
  5. Happy birthday Paul. Wish you well.

    1. Paul :)

      Paul :)

      Thanks - wish you well as well :)

  6. happy birthday dude

  7. Happy Birthday Paul!!

  8. Happy 17th B-Day

  9. Happy birthday! :]

  10. This place is starting to become nostalgic :/

    1. brgr.


      I'm guessing that's a bad thing?

    2. Eric


      Paul! I miss you!

  11. I think I'm the only person in the entirety of HG with only one forum badge... wtf

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Scrubbubbles


      PAAAAAAAUUUUUL. Save me.

    3. nielsfalko


      Heyo there paul

    4. Sirius


      Yeah, ever since we took away the DERP badge.

  12. I missed it....

    1. The Governor
    2. Sirius


      Tried to invite you, slacker....

    3. jonmac5037


      its always paul.. ffs

  13. +1 Awesome guy to play with. No problems. Fun, Funny, nerdy, and pookie.