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Friend of HG (2/10)



  1. i'm shit at all games
  2. Oh hi! Welcome to HG! I don't think we've ever spoken but hopefully that can change sometime! í ½í²•
  3. +1. So down to spread my disgusting Pharah main love.
  4. Welcome home! Nice to meet you c:, hope we get to play at some point!
  5. Reinvented is super good! You guys ever gonna put the album on vinyl?
  6. Hi, Raiden! I've been wanting to try out the TF2 server so I hope to see you around. c: welcome.
  7. We should play sometime, Frost. I have like, 8 friends on Bnet and they're all buttholes.
  8. I actually have no idea, lmao. I've never played DOTA.
  9. The caramel filled Ghiradelli squares are bomb. Crunch bars are also OP as hell.