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  1. [video=youtube_share;GXDrr03uR50]

  2. BIG FAT fag


    message too short my ass

  3. [YOUTUBE]h9o5_W6hn9k&[/YOUTUBE]
  4. Emma

    2 Problem

    We dont like you anymore youre banned!
  5. Wtf, how are we supposed to feed our kids? How about you get off your ass and cook something for a change. Goddamn america and their culture! I'd get pissed off too, but I wouldnt use 'not being able to feed my children' as an excuse while driving a huge SUV. tards
  6. Emma


    moisturizer and lots of it
  7. admins need more than two balls at all times!!!!!
  8. ....... I know you like kids, but no I am not in your age-range