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    15.00 USD 

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  1. Yes please for number 1, that sounds like a boatload of fun
  2. Welcome! What other games do you play on your ps4?
  3. add me on steam, name is Neff, colorful skeleton is my pic
  4. Shoot me an add on leauge, Neflux

  5. So currently ive been thinking about getting back into league ( have it downloaded but havent jumped back in ) and I would love to play with some of the HG fam, so if YOU play League, Shoot me a message and we can party up
  6. I kinda like the idea of the knife smoking or something
  7. M4A1-S Flashback It is Well Worn but looks fac new. I also have Redline Awp, field tested, looks fac new, and an ak47 redline field tested but looks fac new ( not so much willing to part with these as theyve been in my cs inventory since i started playing cs, but for the right trade I may release them ) I also Have a tec-9 re entry min ware id be willing to trade out. 60 cases I am also more than willing to trade for a skin of some quality. Price matching is not so much a thing for me on cs as opposed to just getting my hands on some cool skins to play around with, so honestly if youre interested in what i listed just shoot me a message or a comment, im very reasonable. I have more in my inventory im willing to trade but none that are super worth listing, some usps skins some ump skins, crap like that. Happy Trading HG and friends
  8. Would be cool if it just gave you a higher percentage chance to be a T with your gang
  9. Don't post on recruit apps. Thanks!

    1. Neflux


      Ah okay, my bad :P didnt know.

    2. Jeri :)

      Jeri :)

      It's all good, you know now!

  10. First off there is lies in that, i didnt comment on anything you were doing, nor did i inform you that you should be doing things a certain way, i stated that you threatening to kick pickles for asking you a question, is abuse, as you can see in the picture JGLake added into thie report, so i would appreciate you dont fabricate things about me to make yourself look better, thank you.
  11. Mucho agreement, happy new years all <3