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  1. well there is something call wallhack, it does not necessarily lock on the other players, it just helps u seeing them through the wall and door. Notice how he strife his mouse when he was opting behind the tree at short. He was aiming for the ct at short, and all of a sudden he changed his cursor to mid behind the tree, and to my surprise, there was one ct came out from that. So yeah it was an act of wallhacking, FYI.
  2. i agree with moto.What now? your life aint f***ed up enough yet that u wanna be thrown into jail? lolz. Watch if you're jailed, they gon make up pick up soap everyday bro. lol
  3. I used to play in that server for a lot of time before, and it occured to me that if i saw a person just dropped from the window and hid behind those walls, all i did was shooting thru it and yeah I killed them most of time. If i stayed behind that wall and shot to ct spawn, often in time, i would get someone. I'm just saying it's a possibility. I havent checked the demo which i would do when i get home.
  4. ahhhha lolz just messing with you bro. I'll upload the demo when i got home, now still at school. I'll back you up bro, don't worry. Not just you and me who think he hacks. vietcon and chinaman also think so too. But bro please do me a favor, no more 50mb lolz. It took forever to download. lol
  5. come on daskid dont drag me into this lol. Oh well i got his demo too, it was kinda toggling whenever he shoot. One thing, he barely used his deagle. Don't know why. i'll upload it tomorrow. But im not quite sure if he hacks or not. One last thing, don't listen to daskid too much lolz
  6. i played with him in office deathmatch several times and also used to spec him. He dont usually talk on the mic. He's clean, please do him a favor and get his unban, unless there is proof that he hacks
  7. lolz he's mic spammer, but doesnt have mic? something just doesn't sound right over here.
  8. enabled i have tons of people who watch ur demo and they all claim that you're walling. For the record, anyone who is good and play at d2dm, i spec them all already, so i know what's good and what's hacking. If you still wanna play at hg's servers, you have to convince the staffs and council, but the outcome is not guaranteed. That's all i can do. I'm just coming here as a Zany's favor to tell u this. Good Luck convincing them =]
  9. vandium here is his demo. u can also check it in banreport. =]
  10. Name: Animal Steam:STEAM_0:0:20736922 Server: D2DM Reason of banned: mistaken him as hacker.
  11. Okie alacity I'm sorry. I banned myself too so yeah dont feel bad. Okie i will unban you as soon as possible okie. Once again I apologize. And Just refer as Bulletzfreaker. That's what people would know me better. Okie so please someone unbanned him, I dont know how unban thing works. So yeah
  12. hey guy i didnt know what happened, but snorlax used to play in d2dm, i also spec him several times. he didnt appear to use any sort of hacks, i would say he's good. so yeah i don't know this might be useful. But I haven't seen him playing there in a long time, so things might change. However, snorlax has been a reg at hg for a long time as far as i've seen. so yeah just take this into a consideraton
  13. I'm so sick and tired of his behaviors in the servers. I wasn't really thinking of banning him before, i just kicked him and muted him as the result of insulting admins as well as other players. But this time he went way too far. He said that chinaman paid for his admin like other idiots did. How can paid admins be idiots when they distribute to make hg exist? And he kept threatening of getting demo and this and that and report abuse. Who does he think he is? We are doing the right thing. BTW I was in there too.