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About BluHorse

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    Shelf STocker
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    Video Games, MTG
  • Bio
    Shit sucks, i speak my mind and am considered a huge asshole.

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  1. I'm not dead yet.


  3. too bad the scorp is worthless and the rework isn't going to help much. enjoy your kind. you're the last of it
  4. if you still need some help, toss me a friend request on league and i'd be more than willing to help you out. The Blu Equine is my league handle.
  5. MOTHER FUCKIN DALLAS. HYPE. already went to san fran earlier this year.
  6. Blu, I'm gonna get the Premium Sponsor badge for Nightmare Nights with my next paycheck.

  7. I'm flying down there, BluHorse. I'll see you there mate!

    1. BluHorse


      dude if you go there seriously holler at me, i'm already super pumped for it. just got back from babscon on monday and had way too much fun.

    2. Princess Celestia

      Princess Celestia

      I am going there! It's the tail end of my trip. I'll be with my sister. You know what I look like from the Who You Is? thread :D

    3. BluHorse


      I'm sure I can find you in the thread, worse case scenario we send a message on here to each other. i'll def be down to hangout there.

  8. IGN: The Blu Equine Rank: Gold 2 currently, should be getting closer to plat soon. MAIN role: ADC/Jungle Best FIVE champions in your pool/main role: Draven/Lucian/Caitlyn/Jinx/Vayne for ADC Nocturne/Xin/Udyr/Lee Sin for Jungle Times you are consistently available in the week (include time zone as well): anytime after 2 PM Pacific Why do you want to join this team?: Looking for a serious team for a while, the official HG one that I applied to doesn't appear to be going anywhere Any personal notes/background notes you would like to state about yourself: if people do stupid shit (taking obvious baits, chasing when they should be pushing objectives)/ignore calls I get physically upset. Are you currently a HG Recruit+ (Doesn't necessarily matter): I am a vet.
  9. Not sure how much you're following the fandom but BABSCon was the shit and I've got a few buds planning on trippin down to nightmare nights dallas in october.

    1. Princess Celestia

      Princess Celestia

      Well if you wanna pick me up on the way bro, that would be sick dude. I have a job now so I can afford cons and shit!

  10. Thread of Reddit Assuming Riot is hinting at the champions that are getting skins with that video then the champs that will more than likely be getting skins will be Zed Lee Sin Jax Vayne Zyra which would be 3 different champs from the ones they used to win the final match of the championships. Discuss.
  11. this guy's buttmad because TSM is #1 in NA currently. also bait. 2/10 i replied.
  12. what if the enemy flashes when you flash as ryze? or what if they just sit in the middle of the minion wave causing your E to bounce between the minions?
  13. For thresh you can position yourself one way and throw your Q a completely different way, good for catching enemies off guard. also for jax if you are against a warwick (anywhere) if you time it right your E can completely negate his ultimate (you will not take any damage from it and will eventually cancel it) also in your main post it says you can flash maokai's E, his E is his saplings i think you are meaning his W.
  14. Kalron, everybody should be running armor yellows. even if you're an AP caster the auto attack harass in mid can be mitigated, the jungler ganking and autoing you or using his spells that do physical damage can be mitigated. Everybody is using armor as yellows these days and if you aren't you are putting yourself at a disadvantage.
  15. IMO adcs are going to go back to pure AD quints since lifesteal quints are being nerfed, as well as everybody will probably end up running health yellows because of the armor nerfs. thats my opinion