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  1. STEAM_0:0:19295555 |Best|배성범 for 30.00 minutes 2009-01-19 20:48:12 HT | vandium² It says you were the one who banned me in the Global Banlist.
  2. I will get on vent as soon as you tell me what i was banned for. EDIT: since you are the banning admin. am i suppose to talk to you on vent?
  3. again. i was in b tunnels and killed a guy that was in b protecting the bomb from being defused. but then the bomb was about to explode so i ran out of b tunnels to not die. how is that not completing the mission objective. am i suppose to die with the bomb? i will ask again. what was i banned for? i have asked constantly and you have yet not answer
  4. why don't you tell me why i was banned? instead of saying all that crap. you are not funny and you will never be. i will get on vent ASAP. also i did complete my mission objective. but i was slayed for no reason. then i called an admin prick for failing. next ban??
  5. Can i just please get unbanned so we can close this thread?? i am really tired of getting made fun of because of my race. and being accused as brian/jordan. or you guys can send me a mic and i will love to talk to you guys in vent. one more thing. i was banned for having the same IP address and spray as [HG] a!r.jordan?? what kind of a ****** up ban is that. i can't be unbanned until my voice verification? that is the most ****** up thing ever. jordan told me i could use his steam id only if i play on the [HG] servers. so all i wanted to do was play and then i have to go through all this shit now?
  6. first of all. you need to stop lieing. second. i never ask the admins for cash. third. i never rejoin every round i die. fourth. why don't you show us proof that i have done that? fifth. i barely even talk on the server since i don't even know anyone much.
  7. omg wtf is this. just because i have the same spray as he does not mean i am brian. you guys can think of me as him idc. btw i never asked the admins for money or rejoin constantly like he does. also if i don't get on vent i will never be unbanned? first of all why was i even banned? even tho. if i was banned it should be only for a period of time since i did not hack or break the rules. the only bad thing i done was calling the admin a prick because he slayed me for no reason. but then i also get global banned from all [HG] servers for doing one small thing??
  8. i was doing my objective by going to defuse the bomb. i was in b tunnels and killed a guy then notice the bomb was about to explode so i ran outside so i wouldn't die then i get slayed ?? i don't think that was a fair slay and i get pretty mad when people slay me. i am very sorry for my immature act. and won't disrespect the admins again. again thanks for the support. and i will be waiting until i get unbanned.
  9. he gave me his steam account biffaballa. should i get on vent or message him? EDIT:also he is a neighbor. lives two houses away from me.