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  1. kids these days..need to respect their elders
  2. CHURCH was being a dick to everyone, slaying people for "freekilling" him whenever someone shoots him for not following blatant directions after many warnings were given by the commanding CTs.
  3. i was also slayed multiple times 1st slay i warned Church 3 times not to approach me or come near me or i would kill him. he crouches backwards towards me and out of fear of him doing a 360 to knife me, i shoot him. 2nd slay he is in the armory crouched INFRONT of his teammate that was shooting me with an AK47, i strafe over to kill the terrorist shooting me and it hits him on accident. Many other players were abused and we all tried to voteban him and another admin even threatened to ban the next person that tries to voteban Church.
  4. hi guys i would like to tryout for HT i've played in 3 seasons of CAL-Intermediate and i am on weekdays 7:30-10pm eastern steam id: 0:0:1702525 past teams: nixed, ninjas in pajamas, i will survive add [email protected] to steam friends to contact me. pce