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  1. i meant to spell schooled a long time ago in runescape but my friend clicked out of the username box so it was just ooled so i stuck with that
  2. Name: why u mad SteamID: STEAM_0:0:33532351 Reason: Aimbot n stuffff Server: De_Dust2 deathmatch Proof: http://zhost.hellsgamers.com/u/q7/why.dem Comments: he kill my friends. and for that he.will.be.BANNNNNNAAEDDDD but no for serious he had the hacks banned for 4 hours
  3. i think mine was called something like black thorn or something. maybe robocop or full throttle though
  4. ooled


    so i was playing minesweeper and... http://zhost.hellsgamers.com/u/av/untitled.png this is my highscore. WAT U GOT?!?
  5. (Note: I perm banned him already) Name: "«SG.Mem» Jacob1" SteamId: STEAM_0:0:27407192 Server: Office NTF Reason: Wallhacking Proof: (short demo) http://zhost.hellsgamers.com/u/zr/waller1.dem It was blatant. He was shooting through walls and stuff. P.S. He was an [HG] member (a b c) but recently left.
  6. i have the same birthday as jess i just realized
  7. ooled


    1. Name: solidus 2. Steam Id:STEAM_0:1:25179712 3. Server: office noob training facilities 4. Reason: hacking 6. Comments: i dont think it was aimbot but he was deffinently spin hacking. maybe no recoil, but i dont know 5. Proof: spin2.dem
  8. 1. Name:B()()M-l-l3@D$l-l()T 2. Steam Id:STEAM_0:1:27177616 3. Server: surf 4. Reason: aimbot and spinbot 6. Comments: figured it out when he started shooting me with dualies in mid air over and over again 5. Proof: boom.dem
  9. it was so slow that youtube played second by second
  10. so i went to the beach for vacation this week and the internet here is SOOO slow. I did a speed test and this is what i got. http://www.speedtest.net/result/928217752.png
  11. ooled


    one time i used the !pd thingy and got instand death in about the first second of the round. while i was dead it awarded me the bomb in spectate and it still allowed me to blow it up while i was dead.