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BranHorse last won the day on February 5 2014

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About BranHorse

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  1. Happy birthday \o/

  2. Totally Algebraic? Happy birthday!

  3. Yup I went from a g930 then to a Siberia then to the hyperx which has been the best out of all 3. Very comfy sturdy and best sound for the price. Linux test tips has a review on them where he loves them. And he usually hates headsets.
  4. Hyperx cloud is what you need. Comes with tons of accessories (USB adapter includes) and has amazing sound for the price. Very solid headset.
  5. 62 Chevy Nova. The first car I drove stick in that wasn't a tractor. I've driven some pre 1930s tractors also.
  6. That motherboard wont work. It is a AM1 board you need a AM3+ Rosewill products are garbage btw.
  7. I thought you died..... Had the funeral and everything
  8. Do this for me. Restart the pc go into the bios and look in the corners or the bottom to find the revision number of the bios. It is usually written as "Rev 1.2.2" or whatever. Once you get that post it here and i'll find the update for you. There is a chance that they fixed your issue with a bios update which means you will have to flash it to the latest. This process is relatively easy, but there is a chance of bricking the motherboard. When this happens you can usually send it back to the manufacturer and they can fix it. I have heard of companies doing this out of warranty, but the chances of this happening are slim so I wouldn't worry about it. But if this doesn't work then I'd trash the board and buy another. Flashing usually fixes issues like this so keep your head up!