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Newbie (1/10)



  1. thanks mates i feel apart of the community now
  2. ill give you coca cola for it
  3. im just saying hi so i get another post and goodnight!
  4. Sintic


    xD im in canada itll be a blast driving to ya
  5. Sintic


    im coming for sure ill bring some popcorn!
  6. lol forgot to post mine. Intel Q9450 Quad Core Gigabyte EP45-DQ6 4 GB Kingston Hitachi 500 GB sata2 7200 Corsair Dominator Memory Fan cooler with Fan mod Seagate 500GB LG H20L Blu Ray Reader Cooler Master Real Power Pro 1000W with PSU Fan Mod Cooler Master V8 CPU Cooler with Fan Mod
  7. hey whats up

  8. 1. Game Name: Sintic/Chujelly 2. Age: 13 3. Location: Canada 4. What games do you play: X360 - COD4, COD5, Gears of War 2, Halo 3, Skate 2, GTA IV PC - Crysis, Battlefield 2, Battlefield 2142, Counter-strike Source, Half Life 2, Left 4 Dead, Team Fortress 2, Garrys Mod, World of Warcraft, Darkfall, Lord of the Rings Online, RUNESCAPE, Tibia, Gunbound, Ragnarok Online. 5. Which server(s) of ours do you play on: Jailbreak, Surf DM 6. How long have you been playing on this server: 2 Months 7. All members are required to be on our Ventrilo Server whenever playing. Will you agree with this rule? Yes, if they have mic's. 8. Any other information you want to include is welcome. I love building computers and I am currently trying to take pictures of my new build and post them on the forums.
  9. I am a computer fanatic and I just wanna know what my fellow clan mates have to run their css.
  10. My admin for Jaillbreak was removed i had it for a month and i paid $5 HG | Chujelly / HG | Sintic Jaillbreak Server STEAM_0:0:19346385 02:39 136 0
  11. STEAM_0:0:19346385 i donated $5 for jailbreak admin Done-Clark