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    CSS of course. Also traveling, movies, clubbing and many more
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    If you down for me imma down for u, if u cross da line, shit imme be through with you

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  1. bulletz! dude get on ASAP!

  2. 1. Name: Meat and Potato 2. Steam Id: STEAM_0:1:9524754 3. Server: 24/8 D2DM Server (lawl - JessicaJoy) 4. Reason: Music Spam (How sweet) 5. Proof: http://zhost.hellsgamers.com/u/ru/micspam.dem 6. Comments: Enjoy the clip
  3. thx dirty for the fix. I haven't tried it yet. If I have any further issues, I will surely let u know.

  4. I can't play in those servers (d2dm and crackhouse) anymore since the update. My pings are too dang high. Anyone know how to fix the problem?
  5. I wouldn't wanna pay $40 for the LIMITED data usage. I'm just gonna wait for it to be unlocked so i can use on my t-mobile=]
  6. Name: Bewb Steam_0:1:5348673 Server: D2DM Reason: Wallhack Proof: http://zhost.hellsgamers.com/u/yv/pewp.dem Comment: the demo of this guy started at 1:05. sorry that I took the same demo for two hackers.
  7. Name: Pewp STEAM_0:1:3438874 Server: D2DM Reason: wallhack Proof: http://zhost.hellsgamers.com/u/yv/pewp.dem
  8. What's good bro did you get a mic yet.?

  9. Name: [RvB] sLuG`#deAgLE STEAM_0:1:24985891 Server: Office DM Length of ban: 4 Hours Reason: Racism Proof: http://zhost.hellsgamers.com/u/bz/killa.dem (Also that killa b guys. I couldn't get his name and steam Id on time. These two noobs just came into the servers and started harassing each other like crazy, as shown in the demo). I only banned them for 4 hours. So ifstaffs/councils feel that they deserve more than that, then feel free to do so. Pz
  10. Name: http://www.silancE THe poopiGATOR.com STEAM_0:1:1679715 server: D2DM Reason: wallhack (probably speedhax as well but I didn't catch that on the demo) Demo: http://zhost.hellsgamers.com/u/9u/silence.dem
  11. yo where have you been? haven't seen you in game lately?

  12. Dude I just got out of jail. Shit was pretty crazy

  13. I'll post the ss tomorrow as I'll work through the process again. It worked just fine before my cousin reset the password and channels. But for some reason, it never detects any connection right afterwards. I've tried every possible ways, including the instructions given by bort. Like i said i'll post more info tomorrow. thanks a lot guys for the helps and supports
  14. It is still not working. I've followed every single of the steps, but at the end all it said was "acquiring network connection" and for a few min, it would go off again.