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Darkwing Duck

Friend of HG
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    New Jersey

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  • Minecraft
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Elite Member V

Elite Member V (9/10)



  1. happy bday dwing duck

  2. ermergerd.... hes not red.

  3. I like you better in orange ;(

  4. Even though I was scared of you, thanks for the wonderful dodgeball dark rp event. <3

  5. Hurts to see him without orange.

  6. Oh Awwik, please continue to enlighten us all on how much of a player you are. The only reason I see your somewhat decent looking girlfriend is with you is because shes braindead, not because of your personality, and definitely not because of your looks.
  7. Dude stop being a little bitch and just have a conversation with her. Women are people just like us.
  8. Ah, I think i know why you stepped down if it is what i think it is, proud of you. But anyways such a shame to see such an excellent person in leadership step down. You were tough but fair.

  9. :(

    Sad to see you step down.


    Good luck.



  10. Thanks man, I really appreciate that comment.

  11. Haha, i know, but it's sad to see a great manager step down.