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    beer, css and beer

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  1. 1. Name: CrUnK 2. Steam Id: STEAM_0:1:14825144 3. Server: Crackhouse DM 4. Reason: Aimbot 5. Proof: http://zhost.hellsgamers.com/1/797d7081f685a79f1a6d5d1a43bf6dfe.dem 6. Comments: Ban!
  2. so i didnt know if i should post th is under ban report/request, but just a suggestion, seeing as the rmp clan was "banned", there all now in uhmm beast? i find that jokes, but anyways they should just all be perma, just my thoughts, anyone agree?
  3. btw he's also done it to jailbreak server
  4. zoro his i.d is STEAM_0:1:12689235 glad i could help.
  5. id say make 3 of them chicks and 1 obama, definantly your best bet.
  6. incubus is a good admin, id say just warn him and keep a close eye on him
  7. i was there for this, sometimes it would happen several rounds in a row because he would just rush and if he died he'd rejoin and play the round again. he also didn't like not receiving money every round when an admin was present, most famous words for them were fagmin and douche which definantly would not help the situation. although we failed to get proof of making vulgar comments at the admins, i think he definantly deserves to be banned.
  8. huh, im confused haha

  9. In your Signature Picture, the conductor, is that the scene from Derren Brown?

  10. 1. Hackers name: Mooshoo T0GG|3 2. Steam Id: STEAM_0:1:14190917 3. Server: Crackhouse DM 4. Reason of ban: requesting ban, aimbot, walls 5. Proof: http://zhost.hellsgamers.com/up/1d1078bf4e6e254f8702d52faab2519e.dem 1. Hackers name: Mike Jones T0GG|3 2. Steam Id: STEAM_0:0:16712524 3. Server: Crackhouse DM 4. Reason of ban: requesting ban. aimbot, walls 5. Proof: http://zhost.hellsgamers.com/up/076c06c8abc0578ea2d82b4ac636799c.dem 1. Hackers name: Celina Gomez T0GG|3 2. Steam Id: STEAM_0:1:8883411 3. Server: Crackhouse DM 4. Reason of ban: requesting ban, aimbot, walls 5. Proof: http://zhost.hellsgamers.com/up/aca544e097454206a849297f68c11aa9.dem I AM REQUESTING TO PERMA BAN T0GG|3 Clan WHEN THEY ENTER ANY HG | SERVER, AFTER THIS INCIDENT I THINK IT IS REQUIRED :dj:
  11. i dont see this so called perfect peaking
  12. soooo...either ryan is jealous of razors skills because well razor actually is legit..unlike others, or umm well thats all i got really, razor has played here for a long time, hes good, hes use to office, so live with it go razorwolf!
  13. razor is legit, hes good
  14. ummm never mind , thanks anyways