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K so me and this guy named FUCK THE POLICE were argueing Then Awwik gagged us and gave us a warning. After that the next round came and me and police died and were talking about how we both made a run to cell 1 in the prison server. The when Awwik died he gagged both of us again for NO REASON when we were just talking about the match. I defended myself and awwik kicked me. I came back and defended myself again asking why the fuck he kicked me for defending myself about me and POLICE just talking and him admin abusing us with gag. Then he banned me for and hour. In the course of this 30 minutes between me police and awwik. awwik has gagged me and police probably 20 times on/off when we were talking NORMALLY to each other and then he kicked me for defending my gag when we did no wrong them him banning me for defending myself. This guy should either lose full admin privelllages or someone should control him because he admin abuses more than ANY server i know including CONVICT GAMING which is full of admin abusers. This just has it out for me cause everytime i KILL a prisoner legitly he kicks/bans/slays me. Someone needs to be watching this admin and the activities he does because all of the other admins don't even do anything or say anything.

Edited by Artillery
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We have some issues here.



  1. You were out of hand and acting completely inappropriately.
  2. You did not use the template. ---> http://www.hellsgamers.com/forums/showthread.php?t=23
  3. You do not have proof.
  4. I was there during the entire event, and I have logs, and you were being rude and disorderly. You were both asked to drop the subject multiple times and continued to talk about it repeatedly for several rounds.
  5. Why are you comparing our servers and admins to another clan's? If you don't approve of how our admins behave you can get proof to back up your claims.

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Okay lets start off with the sexist comment you said to jessica. Which is why you got the ban. The second part of you being vulgar and rude in chat is why you were gagged. You argued with f**k the police for 30 mins. I warned you about it before i gagged you and Slaz kicked you when you failed to listen. Your a constant trouble to the server with arguing and screaming abooose. Its a hour ban for sexism. You said in chat jessica has my c*** in her mouth. That is rude and uncalled for. If you can come up with proof for my abuse plz show me.



lets have some fun,




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I don't have proof. And Slag this all happened AFTER you left. I'm not talking about when me and POLICE were argueing. Im talking about AFTER when we were talking NORMALLY. LEARN TO READ WHAT I SAID AS YOU TELL ME TO READ THE MOTD FOR THE SERVER AWWIK. I was talking about the part were me and POLICE were talkng about the MATCH after we got KILLED and you seen us TALKING AND GAGGED US FOR TALKING NORMALLY and for me DEFENDING MYSELF ABOUT IT AND U KICKING AND BANNING ME. WHat i said to jessica i said like 40 mins before all of this so if you kicked me WAY after that then your just an asshole for that. Clearly i this isn't just a rant cause i see theres other threads of AWWIK abusing admin so clearly you guys need to do something about him because players just dont accuse him of abusing for no reason unless he actually is.

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1. Abuser name:

2. Their Steam Id:

3. What sever:

4. About what time:


6. Please tell us your side of the story. It helps us understand what happened during this time.



So, I was here...I am posting...


This guy was ALWAYS ALWAYS QQing...



He was being disrespectful towards me. Telling me that I sounded like a boy. I told him to stop. He didn't. Then he talked shit in chat. Proof at end of rant. This guy is a problem and should be banned from jailbreak because he takes it to serious.




^^ With this screenshot. I ws ALT-Tabbed getting a screen shot for Awwik. I told him in vent to make sure they didn't kill me because I was going to be back in 3 seconds. I came back..orders were just given...I went on mic and told them I was helping an admin with something...what was the orders. The lead CT repeated the orders and Johnny said "favoritism" I then said "no its not..he didn't give a time plz QQ moar" The highlighted area was towards me after I said that.




^^ With this screenshot. Awwik had muted/gagged him...told him to stop with the comments and unmuted/ungagged him. He then went in the rant about how he gets muted QQ blah blah...as you can see, I told him to QQ Moar and Shut up. You guys can see what he said after. There are several other instances where he was being disrespectful and QQed when Awwik took PROPER action against him...


This is simply a QQ thread.



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He was being disrespectful towards me. Telling me that I sounded like a boy. I told him to stop. He didn't. Then he talked shit in chat. Proof at end of rant. This guy is a problem and should be banned from jailbreak because he takes it to serious.



Ok you got that wrong i didn't judge you on the way you talk and there is no proof. So that clarification is unvalid.



^^ With this screenshot. I ws ALT-Tabbed getting a screen shot for Awwik. I told him in vent to make sure they didn't kill me because I was going to be back in 3 seconds. I came back..orders were just given...I went on mic and told them I was helping an admin with something...what was the orders. The lead CT repeated the orders and Johnny said "favoritism" I then said "no its not..he didn't give a time plz QQ moar" The highlighted area was towards me after I said that.



Also me killing you wasn't illegal orders are orders in the server the leader said i could kill you so you can go QQ if you want.




^^ With this screenshot. Awwik had muted/gagged him...told him to stop with the comments and unmuted/ungagged him. He then went in the rant about how he gets muted QQ blah blah...as you can see, I told him to QQ Moar and Shut up. You guys can see what he said after. There are several other instances where he was being disrespectful and QQed when Awwik took PROPER action against him...




Also you werent there for the WHOLE situation as it took place when the 3 of us were dead and you were alive. The fact you keep saying QQ just shows that your a immature player and cgood thing you don't have admin becuase there would be alot of abuse from you. Grow up as Awwik told me earlier.

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Ok you got that wrong i didn't judge you on the way you talk and there is no proof. So that clarification is unvalid.



It is valid because I was there and I didn't get a recording of you saying it doesn't mean that my word isn't proof.



Also me killing you wasn't illegal orders are orders in the server the leader said i could kill you so you can go QQ if you want.



I wasn't killed until I lost a a first reaction game, nice try



Also you werent there for the WHOLE situation as it took place when the 3 of us were dead and you were alive. The fact you keep saying QQ just shows that your a immature player and cgood thing you don't have admin becuase there would be alot of abuse from you. Grow up as Awwik told me earlier.


I was there for the whole situation. I read and say everything. I kept saying QQ because that is what you were doing. Calling admin abuse on a admin when YOU are in the wrong deserves a kick/ban etc. I am not an immature player because I was telling you QQ. You are because you ARE QQing on the fourms about something that doesn't matter. I am not an admin on Jailbreak because I hate that server and only play for the lulz. I was an admin on jailbreak awhile back. I NEVER for abuse reports on me. I am grown up just FYI. I know this because I know that Jailbreak ISN"T SERIOUS BUSINESS. kthanks.



I say again...



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I dont give a fuck about template. I'm not QQIng on forums if you were abused by a admin you would be bitching to. Also i have POLICE to justify me not in the wrong because he had the same thing done to him. ALso have fun getting your comp hacked and crashed for good lets see if u QQ on here about that ok thnx.

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I dont give a fuck about template. I'm not QQIng on forums if you were abused by a admin you would be bitching to. Also i have POLICE to justify me not in the wrong because he had the same thing done to him. ALso have fun getting your comp hacked and crashed for good lets see if u QQ on here about that ok thnx.


Haha. Cool story bro

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Cram it Nubcake. Not only did you ignore the template like it was a passing suggestion but you just flat out attack a member of the community. Calling someone out of the internet is just ridiculous and the fact that your butthurt is obvious.


Your in-game behavior was out of hand and your behavior on the forums is completely unnecessary. I don't really tolerate this kind of behavior in our forums - stay out.

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