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Ban Details
This ban is not currently active.
It is disapproved. Disapproved    It has expired. Passed
Ban CategoryRegular Ban
  View Steam Community Profile for 1:151344Subject Steam ID  Lookup other bans for 1:1513441:151344
Subject Name  Lookup other bans for n r gn r g
By  Lookup other bans by 0:106797665PeacE
Server (And Mod)  CSS[HG] 24/7 Dust2 Deathmatch | 100 Tick | gameME | HeLLsGamers.com
Datetime Added  (116mon 6d 19h 58m ago)2015-05-28 05:57 AM
Duration  (Inactive)  (Passed)1 hour
116mon 6d 19h 43m ago | 2015-05-28 06:12 AM Click to get direct link to this postPost by LEEMA
Friend of HG
Played against this person many times before, never thought anything fishy. Today I received multiple private messages about him walling people, went to spec and recorded a demo. Please review and resolve asap

nrg2.dem (1.4 MB)
116mon 6d 19h 8m ago | 2015-05-28 06:47 AM Click to get direct link to this postPost by n r g
Friend of HG
Just in case anyone cares to hear my side of it, it's not uncommon to spray the wooden doors in mid or at B especially in HG's deathmatch servers when there's a good amount of playing at one time. There's also multiple reasons why I do what I do:
1) I can see the shadows of people trying to pick me off at mid so even though they may not be able to see me, I can see them. Also, I only killed one guy at mid from beyond the door and he ran across in plain sight.
2) People awping at mid are going to be in various but very common spots - i preemptively spray those common spots so I don't get killed &/or to unload my mag before I reload...that's just learned behavior and predictive anaylsis on my part.
3) that spot behind the box at B is a good spot to kill CTs.
---I can hear them spawning and theyre going to come in one of two locations, come around and try to flank to lower B, or just run away.
---I have leverage behind the box because CTs don't know where T's are shooting from as they could be in, again, common places, like behind the box, adjacent to the door on either side, near the back platform, etc. I hide there behind the box and go on either side to be unpredictable.
---I'm wondering if the person who banned me has played in any sort of professional CS league like CAL. There are multiple spots you can spray to kill people in B. Its not hacking, its just a preemptive attack to see if someone dies. You can even see someone doing the same thing when I'm at B in the video.
4) Obviously, I place my crosshair in the middle directly where I think people are going to be because well, people are usually there. I've been playing since beta 7.1...to think that I won't learn where people commonly are over time is ludicrous.
5) And finally, I'm guessing Don Corleone and Luckywhateverhisnameis sent those PMs about me - are they even regulars? I've been playing on DM servers for years now and only some the newer players would think I'm hacking.
116mon 6d 10h 10m ago | 2015-05-28 03:46 PM Click to get direct link to this postPost by Sirius
Friend of HG
In the future, please try and record a longer demo. That will give us more to look at.

Based on the demo you have, his play looks normal.
116mon 6d 10h 9m ago | 2015-05-28 03:46 PM Sirius locked thread
116mon 6d 10h 9m ago | 2015-05-28 03:46 PM Sirius disapproved ban

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