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Ban Details
Ban CategoryRegular Ban
  View Steam Community Profile for 1:87379732Subject Steam ID  Lookup other bans for 1:873797321:87379732
Subject Name  Lookup other bans for Kaos (alt)Kaos (alt)
By  Lookup other bans by 15082 Burnt
Server (And Mod)  WebWeb
Datetime Added  (112mon 2wk 6d 12h 10m ago)2015-09-25 11:52 PM
112mon 2wk 6d 12h 10m ago | 2015-09-25 11:52 PM Click to get direct link to this postPost by Burnt
HG Veteran

Ban Evasion.

Posts on bans related to this SteamID with the account related to the ban above.
112mon 2wk 6d 11h 41m ago | 2015-09-26 12:20 AM Click to get direct link to this postPost by Kaos
Friend of HG
What happened to the whole new steam ID thing? I was told if i got a new steamid i could play here? But you ban me. GG
112mon 2wk 6d 11h 39m ago | 2015-09-26 12:23 AM Click to get direct link to this postPost by Burnt
HG Veteran

That would be the case if it wasn't a ban based off behavior.
112mon 2wk 6d 11h 22m ago | 2015-09-26 12:40 AM Click to get direct link to this postPost by Kaos
Friend of HG
Please. Explain to me the reason i got perm banned. Id like to hear it.

-btw youll probably be wrong just sayin ;)
112mon 2wk 6d 11h 20m ago | 2015-09-26 12:42 AM Click to get direct link to this postPost by Burnt
HG Veteran

112mon 2wk 6d 10h 56m ago | 2015-09-26 01:06 AM Click to get direct link to this postPost by Kaos
Friend of HG
Blackmail of a (now retired and inactive) friend who knew it wasnt blackmail, but wanted to save his own ass because i had a audio clip of him saying the n word in teamspeak. You got it correct though, so congrats.

However, see, thats how hellsgamers works. You guys overreact to anything and everything. You're all so socially awkward in real life, that you cant even take a joke over the fucking internet. Everything has to be serious 24/7 because if not, we might not look good in front of Homer, our one and only forum clan virtual based god. I play on your servers because i like the amount of people on it. Aside from that, you guys have nothing. Overreacting power hungry admins. Let me give you a quote here.

Power can be enjoyed only when it is recognized and feared. Fearlessness in those without power is maddening to those who have it.

Let that really sink in for a second. You see, all of you guys who take things so seriously, do so, because you have power and want to "uphold the rules." I know this ban will stick, and I'm too proud to fight and try to get unbanned. Thats not going to stop me from trying to make you admins understand literally EVERYONE who plays in your servers HATE the admins. Yes burnt, even you. Mostly because of shit like this. You have power, they know that, but wont say anything because they dont want to get banned for some stupid shit, which would definitely happen. So you guys sit behind your monitors, and bask in the only opportunity you will ever have power over someone.

Then theres people like me. I dont give two shits if you ban me. Its a fucking game that doesnt matter. Yet you use the threats of termination from a server to make people sit back and get rammed in the ass by your magical admin keyboard commands. Except see, people like me, dont give a flying rainbow fuck if i get banned from a server. I have other shit I can do. And you absolutely loathe the fact that I think like that. You dont have power over me, and it makes you so fucking angry. I wont do everything you tell me to, ill break the rules and laugh in your fucking pimply ass face and shrug my shoulders at the consequence.

See, I had that power once. I thought the same way. "I love the feeling of telling people they cant do something, and if they do it, well they're FUCKED" "Im going to shove my admin command so far up their dick they'll have to masturbate backwards."
Then someone told me something like what im telling you today.

People dont respect you just because you have power. They keep their mouths quiet until you leave, and then they talk behind your back about how much of a fucking asshole you are, and how they would love to never have to deal with your bullshit ever again. So I thought to myself "maybe having power doesn't mean I have to use it every chance I get?" "Maybe, just maybe, people might like me for something other than having this little bit of virtual power.."
And you know what............... They did. THEY DID GUYS. The internet liked me, because I wasnt a powerhungry fuckboy who just wanted to fucking ban people over stupid shit. The same could be said for today. I stopped being an uptight nerdy fuck and just fucking let loose. I stopped getting butthurt every time someone said something i didnt like. And today, I actually like myself as a person.

Maybe all of you admins could learn a thing or two from this post. I personally think it should be front page of the forums, a nice link straight to this comment. as my last wish from HG (until next time that is.)

I might be banned, but I'll be here until the end. Watching, from the shadows.

trust me guys, ill be back.. and when im back, its gonna be, legend... wait for it...
112mon 2wk 6d 6h 38m ago | 2015-09-26 05:24 AM Click to get direct link to this postPost by Icon
Friend of HG
112mon 2wk 6d 6h 38m ago | 2015-09-26 05:24 AM Icon locked thread

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