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Switching To Pc

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After playing on Mac for the past 6-7 years (worse than it sounds, if that's possible), I have finally been able to put together a solid gaming PC that I should be able to use in 2~3 weeks.


However, the only experience I have with PC is with school related stuff, nothing gaming. PC is an entirely different beast than mac, and I'm diving in blind at the moment. I have no idea what to expect when it comes to installing and running games, optimizing and updating the PC and its parts, and configuring settings. All that necessary stuff.


So, I made this thread for anyone willing to give me a few tips for when I start up the PC for the first time. Any tips related to Steam, PC and Game settings, modding, or any other things that might help me get started, I'd appreciate it. It's basically an open thread for any tips you have or common problems to avoid for a PC newcomer




Mac can do about a tenth of the stuff PC can, so just assume I've never operated a computer before



And if you want to criticize the new build, here are the specs for you. Keep in mind I selected all these parts ~3 months ago and I had around a $600 budget for the build.




  • AMD Athlon X4 860K 3.7GHz Quad-Core Processor
  • Gigabyte GA-F2A88XM-D3H Micro-ATX FM2+ Motherboard
  • Corsair Vengeance 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-1600 Memory
  • Samsung 850 EVO-Series 120GB Solid State Drive
  • Western Digital Caviar Blue 1TB 7200RPM Hard Drive
  • Radeon R9 200 XFX Graphics Card
  • XFX 650WW 80+ Silver Certified ATX Power Supply
  • Cooler Master N200 MicroATX Mid Tower Case
  • Asus Optical Drive

Or just click this

guide I went off of, everything is the same except the video card.



Edited by Crying Seal
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  • Executive Council

I 2nd nVidia, and would also suggest another 8GB of ram, if you can make it. Other than that, it might just be more answering questions and whatnot. I guess is there anything specifically you wanted direction on? Steam is pretty much plug and play...


My only other tips would be only use A PEA sized bit of thermal paste on your CPU, right in the middle, biggest mistake people make when building a computer, second, DO NOT do this: https://linustechtips.com/main/topic/561041-980ti-darwin-awards-help/

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