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Operation Zs Sherman


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Last June someone found a glitch with the gravity gun where you could pick up a prop and nail it to another prop, which would create a chainlink of props you controlled. It was a bug but we were allowed to use it for about a week. We made Riot Shields, submarines, tanks and it was FUCKING HILARIOUS! We had a blast, I still have recordings of many tanks we made and other fun things we did. But this came at a price. People made shields to prop push and could jetpack/prop surf to the top of the skybox which is against the rules and malicious. The point I'm getting at is even though some rule breaking occurred, the pros greatly outweighed the cons. Here is why it did then and it could now.


We have moderators. I think that the fun we had and could have if this glitch was re-implemented could greatly help out the server. Tanks became and could become a cading style of HG. We could pioneer a completely revolutionary cade and perfect it from our scrubby crapshacks of the past. It would be something to attract players to the server. But the important part of re-implementing this would be moderating. I am hoping that if this was re-implemented it would become the job of the moderator+ to make sure no one is prop surfing or prop pushing. If we enforce this very strictly we could get a privilege that would "Make ZS Great Again!" I miss the fun times we had as the server screamed and we drove vending machines around on top of highschool :)

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let me just un-nerf the water and re-add bungalows too :D




Edit: But forreal, I think this is like comparing apples to grapefruit. Bungalows/old water was op and not fun for zombies. But the tank was underpowered and fun(ny) for everyone. The objective here is to gain pop not have the whole zombie team disconnect. Imagine magic shade strats now if tanks were ingame :3


Edit 2: Just saw ur last sentence lol :D

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I think it could be fun as an event, from time to time.

But nailing props with a grav gun ? Control those prop monsters with grav gun ?

Since this is a glitch i don't see any point in adding this on a daily basis in the game, it's not meant to be a zombie survival permanent feature.

Foxhound even if you can't make tanks nowadays, you can still build Moo cars :

Take buff trait, and a hammer.

Gather only big props to the roof of highschool for example.

Nail one of those props to the ground.

Build a big box where you can unsuitzoom inside, nailing all the other props to each other.

Include a prop only carryable with buff inside this box.

When the box is closed, unnail the first prop you nailed to the ground, so the car is now moving.

Then take the big prop you put inside with buff, and drive the car.

I guess if you let enough space in the middle, it can be tank as well ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

I havent tested too much with this but I know/would think the grav gun would be far better for turning and line of sight. More importantly the grav gun creates more possibilities for things like submarines. Also, while u could use the grav gun to pick up prop monsters (and we did this) prop monsters dont kill anymore so it wouldnt be a problem

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