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Perp Higher Fps Config/launch Options


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Here are some launch option Cvar's first though.

-dev -console -novid -dxlevel 81 +cl_showfps


^Just copy it as it is^, open Steam, go to My Games, right click gmod, go to Properties, click Set Launch Options, and paste this into the text box and close it. Run gmod, Exit gmod, take -dxlevel 81 out.(Not necessary really but it'll keep resetting your video options to default for dx81 every time you restart gmod).


And now the config.


//Streak's FPS Config
//cl commands
cl_forcepreload 1
cl_smooth 0
cl_detaildist 1
cl_detailfade 800
cl_ejectbrass 0
cl_show_splashes 0

//mat commands
mat_compressedtextures 1
mat_bumpmap 0
mat_clipz 0
mat_filterlightmaps 0
mat_filtertextures 0
mat_mipmaptextures 0
mat_softwarelighting 1
mat_specular 0
mat_picmip 2
mat_parallaxmap 0
//r commands
r_fastzreject -1
r_threaded_particles 1
r_threaded_renderables 1
r_decal_cullsize 1
r_drawflecks 0
r_drawmodeldecals 0
r_dynamic 0
r_lod 0
r_WaterDrawReflection 0
r_WaterDrawRefraction 0
r_waterforceexpensive 0
r_cheapwaterend 1
//lod commands
lod_TransitionDist 1
//dsp & snd commands
dsp_enhance_stereo 0
snd_mixahead 0.7
//other commands
fps_max 60
muzzleflash_light 0
ai_expression_optimization 0
sv_forcepreload 1
echo "MaxFPS Config Loaded"


for Team Fortress 2; save it as mytweaks.cfg and move it into your C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\<accountname>\Team Fortress 2\tf\cfg\ folder, and add exec mytweaks.cfg into your autoexec.cfg and save it.


for Garry's Mod; save it as mytweaks.cfg and move it into your C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\<accountname>\ garrysmod\garrysmod\cfg\ folder, and add exec mytweaks.cfg into your autoexec.cfg and save it.


for Counter Strike: Source; save it as mytweaks.cfg and move it into your C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\<accountname>\counterstrike\cstrike\cfg\ folder, and add exec mytweaks.cfg into your autoexec.cfg and save it.


Optional cvar's


mat_showlowresimage 1 Absolutely horrendous textures, but substantial performance increase if you're really hurting for fps.

mat_queue_mode 2 Optimizes engine for multi-core CPUs.

r_threaded_renderables 1 Multi-core CPU optimization

r_threaded_particles Multi-core CPU optimization



Note: I did NOT make this little guide, I found it on GameSpot, tested it, and it worked good for me on my horrible laptop. it increased my fps 15+ so I figured I'd share it with you all

one other thing; this says for tf2, but it works with any source engine. just replace 'tf2' with 'gmod' while setting this up and it will work just the same if not better

Edited by Silibrian
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Been working on a better config which uses a lot of my cs knowledge in making configs and came with some things that may help you guys. Specifically the two toggles which allow you to focus more on wsad and not need to hold down your run and walk keys.


Also including my rotating demo config just be sure to re-name them when you are finished playing or after an infraction occurs rename it to the persons name and infraction and be sure to screenshot rp_status.


Feel free to add it to your autoexec.





// -console -novid -nod3d9ex -noforcemparms -noforcemaccel -noforcemspd -noipx -nojoy -high -gains




alias speed_t speed_on

alias speed_on "+speed; alias speed_t speed_off"

alias speed_off "-speed; alias speed_t speed_on"


bind "mouse5" "speed_t"



alias t_duck "duck1"

alias duck1 "+duck; alias t_duck duck2"

alias duck2 "-duck; alias t_duck duck1"


bind "mouse3" "t_duck"


////////// Cyclic Demo Recording Script; by \\ Alex //


echo "";

echo "Cyclic Demo Recording Script is running...";


///// Aliases Required for Loop /////

alias overWrite "echo ""; echo "WARNING!: There are no more recording slots in the rotation. Further recording will erase previous files."; echo ""; repeatLoop";

alias repeatLoop "alias demo_recording demo_01";


///// The Main Recording Section /////

alias demo_recording "demo_01";


// Demo File #01 //////////

alias demo_01 "echo ""; echo "Demo File #01"; echo "-------------"; beginRecord_01";

alias beginRecord_01 "record "demo_01"; alias demo_recording endRecord_01";

alias endRecord_01 "stop; alias demo_recording demo_02";

// Demo File #02 //////////

alias demo_02 "echo ""; echo "Demo File #02"; echo "-------------"; beginRecord_02";

alias beginRecord_02 "record "demo_02"; alias demo_recording endRecord_02";

alias endRecord_02 "stop; alias demo_recording demo_03";

// Demo File #03 //////////

alias demo_03 "echo ""; echo "Demo File #03"; echo "-------------"; beginRecord_03";

alias beginRecord_03 "record "demo_03"; alias demo_recording endRecord_03";

alias endRecord_03 "stop; alias demo_recording demo_04";

// Demo File #04 //////////

alias demo_04 "echo ""; echo "Demo File #04"; echo "-------------"; beginRecord_04";

alias beginRecord_04 "record "demo_04"; alias demo_recording endRecord_04";

alias endRecord_04 "stop; alias demo_recording demo_05";

// Demo File #05 //////////

alias demo_05 "echo ""; echo "Demo File #05"; echo "-------------"; beginRecord_05";

alias beginRecord_05 "record "demo_05"; alias demo_recording endRecord_05";

alias endRecord_05 "stop; alias demo_recording demo_06";

// Demo File #06 //////////

alias demo_06 "echo ""; echo "Demo File #06"; echo "-------------"; beginRecord_06";

alias beginRecord_06 "record "demo_06"; alias demo_recording endRecord_06";

alias endRecord_06 "stop; alias demo_recording demo_07";

// Demo File #07 //////////

alias demo_07 "echo ""; echo "Demo File #07"; echo "-------------"; beginRecord_07";

alias beginRecord_07 "record "demo_07"; alias demo_recording endRecord_07";

alias endRecord_07 "stop; alias demo_recording demo_08";

// Demo File #08 //////////

alias demo_08 "echo ""; echo "Demo File #08"; echo "-------------"; beginRecord_08";

alias beginRecord_08 "record "demo_08"; alias demo_recording endRecord_08";

alias endRecord_08 "stop; alias demo_recording demo_09";

// Demo File #09 //////////

alias demo_09 "echo ""; echo "Demo File #09"; echo "-------------"; beginRecord_09";

alias beginRecord_09 "record "demo_09"; alias demo_recording endRecord_09";

alias endRecord_09 "stop; alias demo_recording demo_10";

// Demo File #10 //////////

alias demo_10 "echo ""; echo "Demo File #10"; echo "-------------"; beginRecord_10";

alias beginRecord_10 "record "demo_10"; alias demo_recording endRecord_10";

alias endRecord_10 "stop; overWrite";

///// Key Bind /////


bind "F6" "demo_recording";




windows_speaker_config "1"

snd_duckerattacktime "0.5"

snd_duckerreleasetime "2.5"

snd_duckerthreshold "0.15"

snd_ducking_off "1"

snd_ducktovolume "0.55"

snd_legacy_surround "0"

snd_mixahead "0.05"

snd_music_selection "003"

snd_musicvolume "0"

snd_mute_losefocus "1"

snd_pitchquality "1"

snd_rear_speaker_scale "1.0"

snd_mixahead "0.05"





m_rawinput "0"

m_mouseaccel1 "0"

m_mouseaccel2 "0"

m_customaccel "0"

m_customaccel_exponent "0"

m_customaccel_max "0"

m_customaccel_scale "0"

joy_accelscale 0

joy_accelscalepoly 0

joy_accelmax 0





cl_cmdrate "128"

cl_updaterate "128"

rate "128000"

cl_interp "0"

cl_interp_ratio "0"

net_splitpacket_maxrate 0

net_splitrate 0

r_drawtracers_firstperson "0"

cl_autowepswitch "0"

hud_showtargetid "0"

net_graph "0"

cl_autohelp "0"

cl_showhelp "0"

cl_showfps "0"

cl_forcepreload "1"

play items/nvg_on.wav

fps_max 999

fps_max_menu 999




echo "Chronic Brutality config loaded"

echo " "

echo "Systems Informaticus Incorperated"

echo " "

echo "Created by: DARKSIDE"

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