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20 Vs 20 "clan" Battle

Nite By Nite, in HeLLsGamers News, , 113 comments, 9859 views

We are getting ready to battle the edge gamers organization and we need you to help us come out victorious!



Hello again HeLLsGamers!


I am currently putting together an event that will put our CS:S division against eGO (Edge-Gaming Organization).


Currently we are looking for a 20v20 scenario where we would choose a couple of maps to participate in.


Currently the rules are as followed:


1. Must be a -hg- Recruit and up.


2. Must be apart of the CS:S/GO Division (This will change depending on how many people we have)


3. If we have more then 15 members that want to play, *tryouts will be held.


4. Five members of leadership will help part take in this event.


5. Respect each other and represent HG in a good manner.


6. Respect eGO as we want to build upon a good competitive relationship.


7. Regular rules are as followed when in the match.

  1. No Cheats, exploits or 3rd party tools that give you an unfair advantage over other players.
  2. No ghosting. (Unless spectate is off, which im sure it will be)
  3. Be respectful to everyone! A certain amount of smack-talk is ok, but do not be disrespectful.
  4. No harassment, if someone tells you to stop trolling or talking smack, STOP.
  5. Do not be racist or use racist terms! These servers are for everybody.
  6. No useless spamming of the mic, text, or radio. That means no songs/soundbytes, especially if fellow players are complaining.
  7. No recruiting or advertising for other clans in here.
  8. Do not wear the -hg- / [HG] / HG | tag unless you are an HG member!
  9. No name impersonation of ANYONE, especially not HG members.
  10. No horrid/pornographic sprays (nothing below the belt).
  11. If you are caught trying to crash or lag the server you will be permanently banned.

8. Must abide by eGO's server rules as well. (Do not swear or troll)



When: May 12th @ 7PM EASTERN TIME! *Note the change from the 5th (Sorry for any inconvenience)


Where: eGO/HG TBD (Map will also TBD)


Who: CSS/CSGO Members (Other divisions may sign up but do not have priority)


You must post and tell what division you are in. (Again this is mainly for CSS//CSGO division but if we lack players we still need players from other division. Also if we get enough we might host 2 20v20, so sign up!)


*Note if there is not enough or more then enough players, we will be choosing who will get to play.






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3. If we have more then 15 members that want to play, *tryouts will be held.



I don't like the sound of that, this sounds overly competitive compared to the 20 mans we used to do against them.

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This sounds great! But do you really think, May 5th is the best day? Everyones going to be intoxicated.

Edited by sP00k
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3. If we have more then 15 members that want to play, *tryouts will be held.



I don't like the sound of that, this sounds overly competitive compared to the 20 mans we used to do against them.


Ah, yes. This was a suggestion. I've been planning this for a while now. Idk if we will actually do tryouts.

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This sounds great! But do you really think, May 5th is the best day? Everyones going to be intoxicated.


Why not? Most of you guys are not old enough to drink so I think we are good.

  • Like 2
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Css , might be on or might not be on. might not expect how ego good will be

Edited by Lemonade!
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