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Counter-Strike Global Offensive Operation Phoenix

Nite By Nite, in HeLLsGamers News, , 48 comments, 6421 views




Sync! (trade complete)

Suicide ((trade complete)

NoTic (Donated his copy for bonus winners! such a nice guy.)

Vetman - (trade complete)

Ethatsme - (trade complete)


Bonus drawing winners!


Deathshot (trade complete)

Magic (trade complete)

Aseino (trade complete)

_dallas (trade complete)

creepa (whenever you are ready)


ASCII's Random Bonus winners!

HG | Navi (trade complete)

HAL (trade complete)

EvilTyler (trade complete)


lackadaisical (trade complete)



fanelyx - (trade complete)


accsick(trade complete)

Please contact HG | ASCII [L] for your copy.


Thank you for entering the giveaway. See you next time :)







For those who play CS:GO Competitive Matchmaking, here is an opportunity for you to get the new Operation Phoenix! Come join your fellow clan mates and take on some familiar maps from past operations and new weapons from the Phoenix Weapon Case!



1 of 5 Operation Phoenix for CSGO



-hg-, [HG], HG |, Advisors, Leaders, Upper Managment and Council



1. You must have at least 25 hours logged for CSGO. (Post your Steam Page)*

2. You can only enter once.

3. You cannot already own Operation Phoenix.

4. Deadline to enter will be Sunday. February 23rd, 2014.


Winners will be chosen using a random number generator (Random.org)**



* We want to be able to reward the players who actually play Counter-Strike Global Offensive.

** Members can only win once. If a number is chosen multiple times, the winner will only receive one copy.


Thank you StyleZ for the graphics.


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