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Bad Card Showdown

Benz By Benz, in Events, , 9 comments, 2299 views

Got card game skills?

Date: April 24th, 2021
Times 6:00 PM (PST) | 7:00 PM (MST) | 8:00 PM (CST) | 9:00 PM (EST)
Game Website: https://allbad.cards/

Event Management:

  • Host(s): [HG] IronClawz [S] & -hg- SenpaiiPlz
  • Event Manager: HG | EddieCam [D] [CE]
  • Event Streamer(s): N/A

Voice chat attendance:

  • Please join the TeamSpeak channel before the event starts. TS3 IP: hellsgamers.com

How to play:

  •   Throughout the game, you have a set number of cards in your hand. When you play one, you draw a new one. If you don't like the cards in your hand, there is an option to let the computer pick the next card from your hand at random, then you discard the rest of your cards and receive all new ones.
  • The Card Queen is given a card to start the round but has the option to get a new one if they don't like the first one they were given. Once they choose a card, the round will start.

  • When the round starts, you have 45 seconds to pick the "best" card from your hand for the scenario.

  • Once everyone has chosen their card, the Card Queen then looks through them and picks their favorite card based on the scenario. Whoever's card was chosen, receives one point and becomes Card Queen for the next round.

  • Once someone reaches the winning point #, the game is over. Depending on the # of players, 1st, 2nd and 3rd place point placements will receive prizes. Or if there are 30+ players, 4th and 5th place will as well.

  • When the game is over, we can play another if people would like, just without prizes and simply for fun/community engagement.
    I believe this is all for gameplay. I will update if I think of something else

Who can play:

  • Everyone!

Event rules:

  • Have to stay the entire duration of the event in order to receive prizes and or badge.
  • Prizes are restricted to HG Recruit+
  • The game plays just like Cards Against Humanity.
  • There is a "Card Queen" who chooses the best card to award them a point for winning the round. It will be set up so whoever wins the previous round, will be Card Queen for the next round starts. This way it gives everyone a fair chance to get points without the chance of someone getting the majority of all points.
  • No write-in cards will be allowed to help avoid breaking any of HG's general rules (racism, etc.)
  • To help speed along with the game (especially if we get a lot of players), there will be a 45-second card choice cutoff. If you don't choose your card within 45 seconds, one will be randomly picked for you.
  • The winning score will vary depending on player #. Under 20 players, the winning score will be 15 points. 20-30 players will be 12 points. 30+ players will be 10 points. (The more players, the longer it will take to accumulate points, which is why the winning points # gets lower as the player # gets higher)
  • PLEASE don't just pick the most absurd option as the winning card. Make sure the card at least fits the scenario in some manner. Obviously up to the Card Queens discretion.
  • It's not a requirement, but would be nice to have the participants in a TS/Discord channel during the event as people playing Cards Against Humanity face to face can speak to each other and laugh together

General HG rules:

  • NO cheats, exploits, glitching, or 3rd party tools that give you an unfair advantage over other players.
  • NO ghosting.
  • DO NOT be disrespectful
  • NO sexual harassment of players.
  • DO NOT be racist or use racist terms.
  • NO useless spamming of the mic, text, or radio. That means no songs/soundbites, especially if fellow clan members or players are complaining.
  • NO recruiting or advertising for other clans in here.
  • DO NOT wear the -hg- / [HG] / HG | tag unless you are a part of HG and are assigned that rank.
    • All HG Recruits+ are required to wear their respective clan tags.
  • NO name impersonation of anyone.
  • If you are caught trying to crash or lag the server, you will be permanently banned.


  • 1st place - Your choice between the following: One month of "Super Backer" on All Bad Cards, Gold+, VIP+, 4k JB rep, or their own TS Channel.
  • 2nd place - Your choice between the four 1st place rewards that weren't chosen.
  • 3rd place - Your choice between the three 1st place rewards that weren't chosen.
  • 4th place - Your choice between the two 1st place rewards that weren't chosen.
  • 5th - You get what is left on the table.
  • Prizes will be handed out 2 to 3 business days after the summary is posted.



Additional Information & Credits:

Thanks to EddieCam for the amazing GFX work!


User Feedback

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9 hours ago, EddieCam said:

Got card game skills?

Date: April 24th, 2021
Times 6:00 PM (PST) | 7:00 PM (MST) | 8:00 PM (CST) | 9:00 PM (EST)
Game Website: https://allbad.cards/

Event Management:

  • Host(s): [HG] IronClawz [S] & -hg- SenpaiiPlz
  • Event Manager: HG | EddieCam [D] [CE]
  • Event Streamer(s): N/A

Voice chat attendance:

  • Please join the TeamSpeak channel before the event starts. TS3 IP: hellsgamers.com

How to play:

  •   Throughout the game, you have a set number of cards in your hand. When you play one, you draw a new one. If you don't like the cards in your hand, there is an option to let the computer pick the next card from your hand at random, then you discard the rest of your cards and receive all new ones.
  • The Card Queen is given a card to start the round but has the option to get a new one if they don't like the first one they were given. Once they choose a card, the round will start.

  • When the round starts, you have 45 seconds to pick the "best" card from your hand for the scenario.

  • Once everyone has chosen their card, the Card Queen then looks through them and picks their favorite card based on the scenario. Whoever's card was chosen, receives one point and becomes Card Queen for the next round.

  • Once someone reaches the winning point #, the game is over. Depending on the # of players, 1st, 2nd and 3rd place point placements will receive prizes. Or if there are 30+ players, 4th and 5th place will as well.

  • When the game is over, we can play another if people would like, just without prizes and simply for fun/community engagement.
    I believe this is all for gameplay. I will update if I think of something else

Who can play:

  • Everyone!

Event rules:

  • Have to stay the entire duration of the event in order to receive prizes and or badge.
  • Prizes are restricted to HG Recruit+
  • The game plays just like Cards Against Humanity.
  • There is a "Card Queen" who chooses the best card to award them a point for winning the round. It will be set up so whoever wins the previous round, will be Card Queen for the next round starts. This way it gives everyone a fair chance to get points without the chance of someone getting the majority of all points.
  • No write-in cards will be allowed to help avoid breaking any of HG's general rules (racism, etc.)
  • To help speed along with the game (especially if we get a lot of players), there will be a 45-second card choice cutoff. If you don't choose your card within 45 seconds, one will be randomly picked for you.
  • The winning score will vary depending on player #. Under 20 players, the winning score will be 15 points. 20-30 players will be 12 points. 30+ players will be 10 points. (The more players, the longer it will take to accumulate points, which is why the winning points # gets lower as the player # gets higher)
  • PLEASE don't just pick the most absurd option as the winning card. Make sure the card at least fits the scenario in some manner. Obviously up to the Card Queens discretion.
  • It's not a requirement, but would be nice to have the participants in a TS/Discord channel during the event as people playing Cards Against Humanity face to face can speak to each other and laugh together

General HG rules:

  • NO cheats, exploits, glitching, or 3rd party tools that give you an unfair advantage over other players.
  • NO ghosting.
  • DO NOT be disrespectful
  • NO sexual harassment of players.
  • DO NOT be racist or use racist terms.
  • NO useless spamming of the mic, text, or radio. That means no songs/soundbites, especially if fellow clan members or players are complaining.
  • NO recruiting or advertising for other clans in here.
  • DO NOT wear the -hg- / [HG] / HG | tag unless you are a part of HG and are assigned that rank.
    • All HG Recruits+ are required to wear their respective clan tags.
  • NO name impersonation of anyone.
  • If you are caught trying to crash or lag the server, you will be permanently banned.


  • 1st place - Your choice between the following: One month of "Super Backer" on All Bad Cards, Gold+, VIP+, 4k JB rep, or their own TS Channel.
  • 2nd place - Your choice between the four 1st place rewards that weren't chosen.
  • 3rd place - Your choice between the three 1st place rewards that weren't chosen.
  • 4th place - Your choice between the two 1st place rewards that weren't chosen.
  • 5th - You get what is left on the table.
  • Prizes will be handed out 2 to 3 business days after the summary is posted.



Additional Information & Credits:

Thanks to EddieCam for the amazing GFX work!


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i would love to play. i just don't know how to play cards :(

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6 hours ago, Rains said:

Own teamspeak channel is such a fucking nice prize. Can't wait for this event

Yeah I wanted to think of something different than the typical reward; I thought people might like it. Just had to get it approved by the HG Gods :devil:

6 hours ago, Suburban said:

That will be my teamspeak channel

Good luck my friend. My guess is whoever gets 1st place is gonna snatch it up haha

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6 minutes ago, ooyyeeaahh said:

did I win anything or did I come too far back, I think I was 4th

You came in 5th so since there were under 30 players there were only prizes for the top 3.

Probably the best play of the night. When the stars align, @JarJarBinks :devil:

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