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TeamSpeak Times

Admiral MacK By Admiral MacK, in Events, , 1 comment, 2289 views

Looking for an Event that is as simple as talking with others? Your search need not go further, for join us on June 8th with TeamSpeak Times to engage with multiple Voice Related Activities and prize opportunities!


Graphics created by Combine

Host(s): Admiral MacK

Event Manager: Admiral MacK


  • Date: Saturday, June 8th, 2019
  • Times: 7:00 PM (CST) - 8:00 PM (EST) - 5:00 PM (PST) - 6:00 PM (MST) 
  • Game Server: TeamSpeak Server (hellsgamers.com / voice.hellsgamers.com:2012)
  • Be in the TeamSpeak Event Channel before the Event Starts!

How to participate:

There will be 3 (possibly 4) different voice-orientated and quick-pace activities that have been soulfully designed for long-lasting rounds that everyone will be participating in. They will be fully explained during the Event.

  • Word Chain
    • Starting from the highest member with a mic, they will say a random word, and continuing down the TS list, each person will try to keep the sentence going, end it, or start a new one.
    • If someone messes it up, they are out from that round. This continues until the last few, the last person will be a prize winner.
      • When choosing a word, it must either make sense in the sentence, properly end it, or redirect the sentence (i.e. Conjunctions). If you truly made a mini mistake, you can have a second chance (say please)!
  • Guess That Noise
    • You have to pick a random noise (no longer than 4 seconds or so (NOT EAR-RAPE) through a soundboard or actual object for others to guess. The first person to choose correctly will be marked down on a score sheet.
    • This continues for everyone in the channel one time. Once everyone has gone, the person with the most scores marked will be a prize winner.
      • If there is a tie, the tied members will do Rock/Paper/Scissors in chat. This works by the Manager saying "Type Rock, Paper, or Scissors in chat on three, 1..2..3; cheating / waiting for an answer from your opponent for a possible win will result in getting kicked from the Event at Host discretion.
    • Ear-rape of any sort will result in an immediate Voice-Restriction Punishment. Further issues will result in being kicked from the Event.
  • Describe that!?
    • The Event Host(s) will PM a member and have them try to describe whatever the link sends them to without great detail.
    • Scores will be counted to each person who first and correctly guesses the described object, they will be marked down.
    • This continues for everyone in the channel one time. Once everyone has gone, the person with the most scores marked will be a prize winner.
      • If there is a tie, the tied members will do Rock/Paper/Scissors in chat. This works by the Manager saying "Type Rock, Paper, or Scissors in chat on three, 1..2..3; cheating / waiting for an answer from your opponent for a possible win will result in getting kicked from the Event at host discretion.

Who can play:

  • Everyone!
    • If you are not a -hg- Recruit+, make a forum account here. You then can connect your Steam Account to your new forum account here. This is a requirement for anyone that is a Friend of HG to join!

Event rules:

  • Do NOT talk over others while the Activities are happening (This may result in a Voice-Restriction Punishment at discretion of the Event Hosts)!
  • You must stay in the TS3 Event Channel through the duration of the Event (timing out/connection loss is excused).
  • Only Recruits+ are eligible for a prize.
  • It is at the discretion of the Event Hosts to remove you from the Event with/without a ban if you are caught cheating or double-crossing other participants by PMing a friend the answer!
  • NOTE: For those who wish to attend the event but do not have a microphone, please tell one of the Hosts before the Meeting starts! We will give further instruction at the time.

General HG rules:

  • NO cheats, exploits, glitching, or 3rd party tools that give you an unfair advantage over other players.
  • NO ghosting.
  • DO NOT be disrespectful.
  • NO sexual harassment of players.
  • DO NOT be racist or use racist terms.
  • NO useless spamming of the mic, text, or radio. That means no songs/soundbites, especially if fellow clan members or players are complaining.
  • NO recruiting or advertising for other clans in here.
  • DO NOT wear the -hg- / [HG] / HG | tag unless you are a part of HG and are assigned that rank.
  • NO name impersonation of anyone.
  • If you are caught trying to crash or lag the server, you will be permanently banned.


  • Activity Winner's Choices:
    • 10,000 of any of the following HG In-Game Currencies (Jailbreak rep, Premium Credits (HG Bux) PERP Cash, ZS Points) (Once a Winner selects a prize, it cannot be chosen again by another).
  • Raffle: 
    • All players that stay until the end will be included in a raffle for a VIP Account (Restricted to Recruits+ that do not have global VIP/Admin already, it can also be given away to non-participants if the winner chooses).



Edited by Admiral MacK


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