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Vets Only Giveaway! #2

porkcow By porkcow, in Free Giveaways, , 53 comments, 3096 views

A big giveaway for the Vets of HG!




Alright here we are again guys!




We're back with more free games for our fellow vets! This will be just like before because it works.

Only Vets may enter this giveaway!

You must post in this thread to enter and post only once please because the number of your post is how the winners will be picked.

We will be using random.org again to pick the winning numbers.

There will be 4 winners again.

Now we like to keep it as even as possible so we tried to spread out the games evenly.


Last day to enter this giveaway will be on the 31st of this month! winners will be announced the following day. :]


We have collected 80 games in total for all you awesome vets! So each winner will get 20 games each!!


Here's the breakdown of the prizes!!





1st Place Winner


Bioshock Infinite + Season Pass Bundle

Metro Redux Bundle

ShootMania Storm

Hitman 2

Deus Ex: Game of the Year Edition

Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project

ORION: Prelude

Thomas was alone

Sang-Froid: Tales of Werewolves

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Borderlands 2 Game of the Year


Fallout 3

Dishonored - Game of the Year Edition

Supreme Commander Gold Edition(




Black Mirror

Five Nights At Freddy's



2nd Place Winner


The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Legendary Edition

Dead Island Collection

Borderlands 2 Game of the Year



ShootMania Storm

Wasteland Angel

Shiny The Firefly


ORION: Prelude

Rush For Glory

Metro Redux Bundle


Frozen Hearth

Bioshock Infinite + Season Pass Bundle

Iron Storm

AquaNox 2: Revelation

GTR: Evolution

Supreme Commander Gold Edition




3rd Place Winner


Saints Row IV

Fallout: New Vegas


Age of Empires Legacy Bundle Including The Forgotten

Dead Island Collection

ShootMania Storm

Sid Meier's Civilization V: Complete Edition

Dawn of Fantasy: Kingdom Wars

Postmortem: One Must Die

Space Hacke

GTR: Evolution

And Yet It Moves


Really Big Sky

Gun Monkeys

Dead Effect

Black Mirror


AquaNox 2: Revelation

Five Nights At Freddy's



4th Place Winner


Dead Island Collection

Supreme Commander Gold Edition

Orcs Must Die 2 Complete Edition

Age of Empires Legacy Bundle Including The Forgotten

Sid Meier's Civilization V: Complete Edition

ShootMania Storm

Hitman 47

Thief Gold


Dino D-DAy


//N.P.P.D. RUSH// - The milk of Ultraviolet

No Time To Explain

Wind Forge

Fester Mudd: Curse of the Gold - Episode 1

3089 – Futuristic Action RPG FPS


Cube & Star: An Arbitrary Love







Same rules as before!


  1. Must be in HG! :P
  2. In addition to being in HG you must also be a Veteran+ member to enter.
  3. For our leadership members: All of DL+ is allowed to enter. Any DA that wants to enter must be a vet as well.
  4. If you post in this thread because you're being silly or trying to enter the giveaway and you are not a Vet your post will be deleted.
  5. You must post in this thread in order to be entered into the give away.
  6. You may only post once, any other post after your first may be deleted.
  7. If you have any questions or concerns about the giveaway pm or @Isaac, do not post them in this thread.
  8. If you happen to already own some of the games in this giveaway you may still enter, if you so happen to win, these games will be yours to do whatever you want with them. (trade/sell we don't care) :)
  9. Follow the rules!

Good luck to everyone and happy gaming!!


User Feedback

Recommended Comments

Becoming a vet does has its benefits, but I love what you guys are doing! You guys are the best, good luck to everyone <3 much love! Amazing games ohmygooooooooooood

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