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Guest By Guest, in HeLLsGamers News, , 0 comments, 1310 views



Goodbye Ventrilo, Hello TeamSpeak!


After many years of using Ventrilo, the time has come for a better solution to meet our and your gaming needs.


The pros of TeamSpeak3 are endless. File transfers, channel + personal chat rooms, better voice quality, user avatars, higher-end security, user-friendly interface and with so much more, we are able to continue to be on top of the game. Also, TS3 offers reduced packet sizes compared to Ventrilo and in return will improve your network connection while gaming and chatting!


Don't like the new look or having trouble accommodating to it? Just drag the bars to the right and downwards for a Ventrilo-like full user view. Miss the old click sound to know when your mic is live? Go to Settings -> Options -> Playback -> Own client plays mic clicks.


Please be patient as Council & Staff will set your account up as soon as we can in TS3.


TeamSpeak3 Client Download


Connect to HeLLsGamers TS3


TeamSpeak 3 Install Guide



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