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Hg Leadership Council Election Results - 2016 Edition

Sirius By Sirius, in HeLLsGamers News, , 50 comments, 2629 views

First and foremost, thank you to everyone who volunteered to run for one of our open positions and to those of you who participated in the vote. As you may recall from Homer's original thread, this vote was going to be limited to Staff+ only. Over time we decided that we wanted to see the feedback from the community and that has evolved in to the importance of not only seeing the feedback from the community but acting upon that feedback. With that said, these election results are based on the total votes received from both HG Members+ and Staff+.


Now, for your new Executive Council and Council's Board......

  • Executive Council's Board

    [*]Council's Board

    • Director of Gaming Divisions:
    • Director of Partnerships: Vacant
    • Director of Community Engagement: @The Governor
    • Director of Development (HGDC):

You will find the full results below:


View attachment: hg election results 2016.png


Congratulations to our new board members. It's very important that you take a moment to spam their profiles with meme's of all types and quality.


As HG goes in to it's 11th year of being one of the best gaming communities around, I look forward to see the results of the hard work that faces your Board members to make HG even better!




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Holy god damn elections is there a HG whitehouse i hope theres top god damn notch security someones going to try and take a hit on the president we need secret service boys

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As a quick update, enigma# stepped down from his position as Executive Director of External Affairs due to personal reasons. The Governor offered to step up and take the lead and that's exactly what he has done.



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