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Homer By Homer, in HeLLsGamers News, , 21 comments, 3802 views


The new store can be found here Store or https://hellsgamers.com/store/

As well, check out your new Client Area, where you can manage all your donations and subscriptions and get support help.


The Store is Secure SSL encrypted, as well all your personal data will be kept private.


For Credit Cards, we use the Stripe gateway, which features are highly secure. We do not store your card information. In fact the features of how Stripe works is your card information never even processes through our website, javascript is used and your browser directly communicates to the Stripe secure servers. Only a reference token is returned to our Store to identify your payment. Paypal is also an option on checkout.



There are a few (good) changes to our Admin/VIP/Gold packages.

  • Gold Accounts for $15 now get Global Access to a game of choice instead of access to only one server.
  • Currently the game choices are: (CS:S & CS:GO) or TF2 or GMOD.

  • The next change is for those of you paying for $40 Global Admin, this is now called a Platinum Account which gives you Global Access across all games instead of one game. e.g. CS:S, CS:GO, GMOD, TF2, etc all games and all future game perks across HG.

  • We also now have Black Accounts, which is for those of you that donate a cumulative of $99+ or more per month through any of the following combined: Front page donations, gold/vip/platinum/black subscriptions, as well as gifting other members. We thank you for your support.

The old Legacy Store will be kept accessible for those of you that have active orders there, that is fine, however new orders are disabled. You must use the new Store for future orders.


Visit the Store now!


tl;dr Made the store easier to use for our donators.



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The new icons for VIP/Gold/Plat/Black


Where do those show up?



Also, if we've already got a recurring 40$ global, does that automatically make us platinum or do we need to cancel and resubscribe?

Edited by Deadlock
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The new icons for VIP/Gold/Plat/Black


Where do those show up?

Currently it is shown at the top right of your profile and when you hover over a member's name their Account type is shown.


Also, if we've already got a recurring 40$ global, does that automatically make us platinum or do we need to cancel and resubscribe?

You do not need to resubscribe unless you just feel like using the new client area. You will be automatically Platinum. Platinum badges will show up on profiles soon.

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I've got the gold package, and my admin seems to be limited to D2 DM only. Is the global through out a certain game (cs) supposed to be in effect, or is that yet to come?

Yes, the servers just need to refresh (they restart at 3PM PST) and you should have it soon. or an admin can type !reloadadmins

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I thought when I saw "Store" I would get to buy HellsGamers T-Shirts or something. Not the vip or admin packages. Main point, Make Shirts.

we're thinking of getting our own Cafepress store, we're already having a T-shirt design contest.

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so i just bought admin again

but i really have no idea to which server does it apply for the css division since that is what i bought

does it apply for like dust 2 deathmatch? cause i was just there and i had no admin there for instance

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so i just bought admin again

but i really have no idea to which server does it apply for the css division since that is what i bought

does it apply for like dust 2 deathmatch? cause i was just there and i had no admin there for instance


Since the plugins are down your not going to have any admin anywhere. But if you purchased the Gold membership for css you are going to have admin across all of HG's CS:S servers. Get plat and you will get admin access to all of the TF2 CSS GMOD ZS servers as well as PERP GOLD. if you visit the store its explained better their.


When they get a working version of source mod(Valve update broke it) you will have your vip/admin back


It will be fixed as soon as we can get a working version of SourceMod running.

Edited by (Headband)(EG)
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we're thinking of getting our own Cafepress store, we're already having a T-shirt design contest.


When you say "thinking" I hope you mean you are definitely getting one. Cause I wanna walk around IRL and advertise the clan too!!!

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