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Hunger Games Perp Event!

GreenRanger By GreenRanger, in HeLLsGamers News, , 26 comments, 5753 views

Will the odds be in your favor?

What’s the event, and how will it work?



The Hunger Games! You will work in pairs, to fight and survive against the many others who want to win as well. You may pick your butt buddies beforehand. No alliances between pairs, please.



Around the map, we (GMOD Leadership) will be placing whether it be food, weapons, or maybe even a fridge to use as a shield at the very beginning. You will start in the Suburbs and go hunting for supplies to gain little advantages over your opponents. Every so often, we will drop care packages somewhere on the map and inside will be something worth your while. We will announce when they go out, but you will have to find out where.



Once you die, you’re out, and you leave your partner to face the wild. However, your downed partner may give you one item, excluding guns, to aid with your endeavors.


If by the end both you and your partner are the last two, you must fight to the death


in a “there can be only one!!!†style fight.



Leading up to the event you will be able to “Sponsor†yourselves and will receive items throughout the game as needed such as stimpacks, coffee or the last bullets you need to shoot someone(pickles) in the head.



Who: Everyone! Friends of HG to Council!



Where: The HG PERP Debug server. IP and password will be given the day of. Be in TeamSpeak before the event.



When: July 13th 6:00pm EST (Be in ts3 30 minutes before)



Well, what’s the prize?


First Place: A $100 Steam Gift card!!! (Thank you Phamish we love you!)


Second Place: 1,000,000 Perp Cash



If you have any questions, feel free to PM any gmod advisor or DL on Steam, TS3, or in-game.



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God Dammit, Every damn event that Hellsgamers does is always from thursday-sunday morning, The only times that im not here! Fucking god dammit



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This will be Awesome! (Mafia Moose better not join I can never kill him when he has a shotty)

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Here is just 1 picture I was able to get, was a good event, enjoyed watching grats to winners Shift and Petroy ;D



Edited by Arezk
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