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Christmas in July 2016

blue :D By blue :D, in HG News, , 1 comment, 2729 views

Apparently there's a real holiday in July that's bigger than Canada Day...

Name: Christmas in July!!!!!!!


More information can be found HERE!!!!!!


Why: Because fuck you that's why (not really), and giving back to the community is always fun. Why not celebrate Christmas 5 months early? But really I (PeaceMaker) wanted to give back to the clan after being given such fun experiences. That, and I have a lot of free time with my new work schedule. Thanks for helping me find a cool group of people to hang out with, and thanks to Bryan, Maine, PuppyPaws, and ConfusingCow for helping me come up with good ideas for this and for being supportive.



  • You may win MULTIPLE times.

Who can participate: friends of HG and up (for those of you wondering people in leadership are still Members/Vets)


How it will work: This is the HG Advent Calendar 2.0:







Thanks to

Face Guy for the last minute graphics! And Icon's original picture



A mission will be given to you and it is your job to complete it by the end of the day (midnight PST time).

Each mission will have its own rules. Whoever wins each mission will get to choose a number on the calendar (1-25).

Each time a prize is claimed, a new mission will be given, which is normally the next day. This will be a month long event (25 days).

The prizes for each number has already been selected.


More information can be found HERE!!!!!!


There will be 25 prizes given and they can be anything from jailbreak rep, HG credits, ZS points, a cool game, a badge, the prizes are endless (but really only enough for 25 days worth)



Past winners and prizes can be found below:



Mission 1: #16 Harpy with 5000 Rep

Mission 2: #20 Dreamy with ZS Points

Mission 3: #4 Crying Seal with 10k Rep

Mission 4: #14 Manchu with 5k Rep

Mission 5: #7 DJMikeTheDead with 3k Rep

Mission 6: #13 Kiyu with a FORUM BADGE

Mission 7: #22 Clearcut with 6k Rep

Mission 8: #18 ಠ_ಠ with 5k ZS Points

Mission 9: #17 CardSwitch with 50k Creds

Mission 10: #3 Clearcut with donating the rep back!

Mission 11: #12 Maine with 100k Creds

Mission 12: #10 .pAnduuhh with 50k Creds

Mission 13: #1 Archer with 20k Rep

Mission 14: #6 James with NOTHING :D :D :D :D

Mission 15: #25 Rise Above with 30k Rep

Mission 16: #11 Hait with 12k Rep

Mission 17: #24 Supa Dupa Kkjpski with 12k Rep

Mission 18: #23 Oneberry with a PERSONALIZED SELFIE OF PEACEMAKER

Mission 19: #9 Imasonaz with 30k Rep

Mission 20: #21 ongames with 15k Rep

Mission 21: #5 Gandalf with 5k ZS Points

Mission 22: #15 James with 9k Rep

Mission 23: #8 Clearcut with a FORUM BADGE

Mission 24: #2 Bossdaddy22 with 15k Rep

Mission 25:


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