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Tf2's Goal And Direction

Dynas By Dynas, in HeLLsGamers News, , 54 comments, 2805 views

TF2 needs to revamp itself if it wants to stay relevant. We need to be more active and part of our goal and direction moving forward into 2013 is to get our community excited again and keep things interesting and alive.

We were discussing where we want this division to go in teamspeak. And to sum up everything and keep our goal simple, we need to start to get our community more active. I realize that the inactivity of late isn't really the community's fault. Times change, we've had several server problems, vip has been broken, and trust has been lost.


But if we want to keep this division and wonderful community alive and strong we need to get our community active again.

How do we increase the activity of our community?

  • More Events
  • Recruiting
  • Revamp VIP
  • VIP Giveaways
  • Server Navigation from server to server. (basically if i'm in trade I can go to a game server)
  • Unusual Hat effects for VIP (per digital)


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If you PM me, add Dynas to the PM as well so he can see it and I don't have to forward it.


Crap, forgot to add him. Hopefully I can still add.

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Trying to take the popular server from css and putting it on tf2 won't work.


No, but taking an unpopular gamemode in which only one clan has right now for tf2 will.


The only current jailbreak server for tf2 is full all the time. The goal is not to make people change divisions , but instead have a gateway to create a new playerbase.

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No, but taking an unpopular gamemode in which only one clan has right now for tf2 will.


I havn't been wrong yet when I said that about servers, we'll see :3

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I havn't been wrong yet when I said that about servers, we'll see :3


Well it worked with csgo even though its not an entirely different game. But still. Plus classes here will have more perks (scouts move fast, for example). If it happens it will be different enough from CSS lol.

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I havn't been wrong yet when I said that about servers, we'll see :3




It would be interesting to see a TF2 Jailbreak server.

Also, giving out admin to HG will increase the server population. We like to play servers where we can deal with idiots.


Also, the Deathrun event was pretty jam-packed. Maybe a Deathrun server? Also a jump would be great. Basically any mod different the the original Payload/points :)

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Maybe a Deathrun server?


I think this is the focus as of now. Haven't heard much back on a jb server for tf2 but I'm not going to push it right now.

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It would be interesting to see a TF2 Jailbreak server.

Also, giving out admin to HG will increase the server population. We like to play servers where we can deal with idiots.


Also, the Deathrun event was pretty jam-packed. Maybe a Deathrun server? Also a jump would be great. Basically any mod different the the original Payload/points :)


Hopefully by next month I can get the jump server up, I'm super swamped this whole week with midterms but yes I want a jump server because I miss actually trying to learn to rocket jump across large gaps.

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Wow our servers are evolving nicely! With the cooperation of dynas and digi our trade servers are nearly pefect. They work hard and try to keep it fun. All that being said ofcourse im a perfectionist


I realize some pluggins atm are boken or may not be able to be added to the server although I am still going to make a nice list of What I feel we need for the server.


Here are a few more ideas. Yes even though they are in the works I still mention them so we can keep a check list.


1) Afk manager on all TRADE servers


How is this an asset? We need to keep our community in fresh trading. If people have no longer the need to be on the server they waste up slots. Our traders want to be able to have asmany newcomers as possible in order to increase their trade ratio. People wasting slots is a huge liability to a trade server as new players can come in and forfil the needs of other traders


2)Extended Mute pluggin(New and Improoved Mute/Gag/Silence)

  • The punishment commands provided by BaseComm (sm_mute, sm_gag, and sm_silence) currently only allow you to punish players temporarily. These punishments expire as soon as the player disconnects, allowing them to reconnect and continue griefing.
  • ExtendedComm corrects that behavior by providing the ability to save temporary punishments as well as create punishments for designated amounts of time all the while providing access to them across multiple servers.





3)A hop plugging would be neat (If a hop pluggin is not possible Im thinking of looped text advertising all our trade servers I.E(Not getting what you need on this server? Try our other trade servers X,X and X) X is the ip of the trade servers




How is this an asset? We would like to keep our community and players into our servers. Sometimes the current server they are on does not have to offer what they need. We want free advertisements and to keep our servers full as much as we can. Wether a player needs to go check out a new server for new people to trade with or one of our servers are full therefore they need to go to another server, we want our players to stay with us rather than another community. This is great advertisement and trade servers need to be full in order to try to meet the needs of all of our traders(Items).



4)A map change: I have found a perfect map we can use that was just made recently. Now i will only list a fewq keypoints to this minecraft map

1:Boxing ring disables ALL for of weapons besides Mele

2) Spawns have a invisible shield disallowing people to shoot in them.

3)Sentry Spawn protection. The map was desgigned and calculated to only allow sentries where It can't hit other players spawns

4: integrated bosses such as the monocolous and horsman

5: Integrated amazing sniper arena

6: Torches in spawn and all over the map (allows you to burn you arrows)


This map will not only deal with helping admins it will be a great experience for our players.

(Server Ip Containing the map) (NOT POSSIBLE) Declined Permission


That would be it for my request.


Please comment guys

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Wow our servers are evolving nicely! With the cooperation of dynas and digi our trade servers are nearly pefect. They work hard and try to keep it fun. All that being said ofcourse im a perfectionist


I realize some pluggins atm are boken or may not be able to be added to the server although I am still going to make a nice list of What I feel we need for the server.


Here are a few more ideas. Yes even though they are in the works I still mention them so we can keep a check list.


1) Afk manager on all TRADE servers


How is this an asset? We need to keep our community in fresh trading. If people have no longer the need to be on the server they waste up slots. Our traders want to be able to have asmany newcomers as possible in order to increase their trade ratio. People wasting slots is a huge liability to a trade server as new players can come in and forfil the needs of other traders


2)Extended Mute pluggin(New and Improoved Mute/Gag/Silence)

  • The punishment commands provided by BaseComm (sm_mute, sm_gag, and sm_silence) currently only allow you to punish players temporarily. These punishments expire as soon as the player disconnects, allowing them to reconnect and continue griefing.
  • ExtendedComm corrects that behavior by providing the ability to save temporary punishments as well as create punishments for designated amounts of time all the while providing access to them across multiple servers.





3)A hop plugging would be neat (If a hop pluggin is not possible Im thinking of looped text advertising all our trade servers I.E(Not getting what you need on this server? Try our other trade servers X,X and X) X is the ip of the trade servers




How is this an asset? We would like to keep our community and players into our servers. Sometimes the current server they are on does not have to offer what they need. We want free advertisements and to keep our servers full as much as we can. Wether a player needs to go check out a new server for new people to trade with or one of our servers are full therefore they need to go to another server, we want our players to stay with us rather than another community. This is great advertisement and trade servers need to be full in order to try to meet the needs of all of our traders(Items).



4)A map change: I have found a perfect map we can use that was just made recently. Now i will only list a fewq keypoints to this minecraft map

1:Boxing ring disables ALL for of weapons besides Mele

2) Spawns have a invisible shield disallowing people to shoot in them.

3)Sentry Spawn protection. The map was desgigned and calculated to only allow sentries where It can't hit other players spawns

4: integrated bosses such as the monocolous and horsman

5: Integrated amazing sniper arena

6: Torches in spawn and all over the map (allows you to burn you arrows)


This map will not only deal with helping admins it will be a great experience for our players.

(Server Ip Containing the map)


That would be it for my request.


Please comment guys



1) +1, no explaination needed.

2) +1, I've kicked and banned lots of people for avoiding mute and gag.

3) We talked about that at the meeting yesterday, it will be fixed

4) I really like that map, +1 if we have server space



Hopefully by next month I can get the jump server up, I'm super swamped this whole week with midterms but yes I want a jump server because I miss actually trying to learn to rocket jump across large gaps.


Have we given up on this at all? This and deathrun still sound really fun.

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Fixed #3

The patch will apply within 24 hours on all servers.

Type !servers in chat. You can test here


Soon I'll be adding chat adverts to join other servers of interest.

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Fixed #3

The patch will apply within 24 hours on all servers.

Type !servers in chat. You can test here


Soon I'll be adding chat adverts to join other servers of interest.



Thanks for the servers pluggin! You have no idea on how happy I am that you fixed it! Thanks. But I have one request. Would you be able to pop our active servers to the top of the servers list: I.E our trade servers somewhat infront of the line and the offline servers to the back? If thats not possible its okay! The servers pluggin is amazing anyways. I just figgured we'd have our active servers in the front so people can maneuver through our list easily and see our full potential within the first pages.

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Thanks for the servers pluggin! You have no idea on how happy I am that you fixed it! Thanks. But I have one request. Would you be able to pop our active servers to the top of the servers list: I.E our trade servers somewhat infront of the line and the offline servers to the back? If thats not possible its okay! The servers pluggin is amazing anyways. I just figgured we'd have our active servers in the front so people can maneuver through our list easily and see our full potential within the first pages.

Will do, and I am continuing to make it even better in the next update.

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Hey guys. Theres a plugin we definitly need on tf2 TRADE servers







A relatively advanced calculator, for use in chat or in console. Can parse complex mathematical expressions.


Yes I need it lol.. If im calcing keys i don't feel like waiting for my calc to load on my pc nor exiting tf2 or to go find 1(some people don't even have 1)


Simple you type /calc 5.333*27=143.999=144 Ref



Its a trade server which involvoles a lot of math we need it :)


It will be very handy

Edited by Jeorey
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Hey guys. Theres a plugin we definitly need on tf2 TRADE servers







A relatively advanced calculator, for use in chat or in console. Can parse complex mathematical expressions.


Yes I need it lol.. If im calcing keys i don't feel like waiting for my calc to load on my pc nor exiting tf2 or to go find 1(some people don't even have 1)


Simple you type /calc 5.333*27=149.999=150 Ref



Its a trade server which involvoles a lot of math we need it :)


It will be very handy


I can install this when I get home lol but do we really need a calculator plugin? If I need to calculate something I just pull my phone out and launch the calculator app.

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I can install this when I get home lol but do we really need a calculator plugin? If I need to calculate something I just pull my phone out and launch the calculator app.


Yeah but i gotta pull out my phone its jail broken sometimes it lags lol. too many tweaks. And its not just for me. Theres many circumstances that people can't quickly access a calculator. Besides its a trade server it need a calculator lol



Lets put it this way there is a shitload of pros this being on our server than cons


the only con would be it takes up space but that's barely a con since its all code not gui.


Also its hell of a lot faster ur in the game. By the time you even look at ur phone you could have typed !calc 666/44 or w/e we are more familiar with our keyboards than our phone keyboards

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Gonna go with no on the calculator app jeorey.

Two Reasons:

1. Because you have calculators everywhere. On phones, an actual physical calculator, watches, computer, etc.

2. Second of all because converting keys to ref and vice versa is not accurate in TF2. For example, if keys are 2.77 ref and I want 8 keys a calculator would tell me I need to pay 22.16 ref. However, in TF2 world 8 keys at 2.77 ref is actually 22 ref even. I specifically made this spreadsheet: https://docs.google....pYeXlNSmc#gid=0

because calculators are not accurate with Ref and key conversions.

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Gonna go with no on the calculator app jeorey.

Two Reasons:

1. Because you have calculators everywhere. On phones, an actual physical calculator, watches, computer, etc.

2. Second of all because converting keys to ref and vice versa is not accurate in TF2. For example, if keys are 2.77 ref and I want 8 keys a calculator would tell me I need to pay 22.16 ref. However, in TF2 world 8 keys at 2.77 ref is actually 22 ref even. I specifically made this spreadsheet: https://docs.google....pYeXlNSmc#gid=0

because calculators are not accurate with Ref and key conversions.


Your calculatios are wrong lol


2 ref* 8= 16 ref


7scrap*8=56 scrap


Howmany scraps are in a ref=9


56/9(1ref)=6ref and .22 which is 2 scrap


Now there is not 9.9999 scrap in a ref there is 9 (Well thats howmany we put in the craft table)


In reality we are not dealing with 10 as a number of currency we are dealing with 9. I don't even know how they came out with .11 as we see in the crafting table (3) not 0.33| scrap makes a rec and 3 rec makes a ref so we are dealing with odnumbers




Anyways 6 ref +16 ref+ the extra 2 scrap is 22.22 that is why you must round when u use 2.777777 continuous


I remeber u showing me that chart but now I think of it the calculator is right but off a fraction of a number and thats why we round up

[This is for the scrap]

()()()()()()()()() (1 ref)

()()()()()()()()() (2)

()()()()()()()()() (3)

()()()()()()()()() (4)

()()()()()()()()() (5)

()()()()()()()()() (6)

()() (2SCRAP)


In reality we need 56 scrap because 7 scrap for 8 keyea and thats what i put

[This is for the refine]

()() [2 ref]

()() [2 ref]

()() [2 ref]

()() [2 ref]

()() [2 ref]

()() [2 ref]

()() [2 ref]

()() [2 ref]



thats 6 ref and 2 scrap for (7 scrap *8 keys) right 7 scrap for every key.


so thats 6.22


16 refine

=22.22 Refine




Lol yes i did draw it on paper before doing this.



Ah Now i see the problems in your calculations



As for your table on 2.77's


2 ref 7 scrap 1 key (We need 2 scrap to make a ref)


so lets count



1 ref 5 scrap

2keys= [][][][] |()()()()()()() ()()| ()()()()()


2keys 5 ref+ 5 scrap =5.55 [You have that as 5.44 thats alredy 1 scrap error)






And yes we may have a calculator everywhere but Im hoping to make the server the most practical (Fastest way to calculate) You don't always have time to calculate during a trade Ex: Unlock your phone,find the app, Open up a calculator on ur pc takes a few mins then have to type it in.(not everybody has it on their keyboard) and even then it takes time to load (Trust me i know but i don't know why) Watch well? Not everybody has a a watch nevermind a calculator watch lol.(I couldent emagine how hard it would be to use)



Lets not forget now we gotta include people with a advanced calculator that gets more hectic. I actually needed a advanced calculator the other day had to do it by hand but here is the math i had to do. it would have been simpler if i could use a algerbratic calculator. Now if ur watch supports algerbra hit me up with the amazon link lol



[PayPal=1.40$ A KEY][Game=30$] 30$/1.40$ =21.42 Keys Im selling my game 10 Keys so (21.42/2=x) (1.40/2=y) X=10.71Keys Y=0.70$ Ea

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Your calculatios are wrong lol


2 ref* 8= 16 ref


7scrap*8=56 scrap


Howmany scraps are in a ref=9


56/9(1ref)=6ref and .22 which is 2 scrap


Now there is not 9.9999 scrap in a ref there is 9 (Well thats howmany we put in the craft table)


In reality we are not dealing with 10 as a number of currency we are dealing with 9. I don't even know how they came out with .11 as we see in the crafting table (3) not 0.33| scrap makes a rec and 3 rec makes a ref so we are dealing with odnumbers




Anyways 6 ref +16 ref+ the extra 2 scrap is 22.22 that is why you must round when u use 2.777777 continuous


I remeber u showing me that chart but now I think of it the calculator is right but off a fraction of a number and thats why we round up

[This is for the scrap]

()()()()()()()()() (1 ref)

()()()()()()()()() (2)

()()()()()()()()() (3)

()()()()()()()()() (4)

()()()()()()()()() (5)

()()()()()()()()() (6)

()() (2SCRAP)


In reality we need 56 scrap because 7 scrap for 8 keyea and thats what i put

[This is for the refine]

()() [2 ref]

()() [2 ref]

()() [2 ref]

()() [2 ref]

()() [2 ref]

()() [2 ref]

()() [2 ref]

()() [2 ref]



thats 6 ref and 2 scrap for (7 scrap *8 keys) right 7 scrap for every key.


so thats 6.22


16 refine

=22.22 Refine




Lol yes i did draw it on paper before doing this.




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Don't all of these extra plugins slow the server down and add to the stuff people have to download before they can enter? May not wanna go overboard with these, just my two pennies.


Stop being lazy Jeorey or I'll send you a calculator from the dolla sto.



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Don't all of these extra plugins slow the server down and add to the stuff people have to download before they can enter? May not wanna go overboard with these, just my two pennies.


Stop being lazy Jeorey or I'll send you a calculator from the dolla sto.





As i mentioned in the above topic that its not GUI its simple text code ( a note pad document which is like max of 50 killobytes) a avrage download speed is 300-50 megs per second.


1000 kbs are in a meg . That is less than 1/150 of a second to download this extra notepad


BUT if it required a visual such as unusual effects you need to downloads the pixels and that is a lot. This is not pixelated its text Only



Oh I also previsouly mentioned that this MAX of 50 kb would be much more of a pro than a con(50 kbs? is that even a con lol?)


AND im not being lazy Im just proving that the calculator is right and dynas is wrong lol. The contrary im doing more work than I should have to lol.

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