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HeLLsGamers News

Css Vs Csgo Gungame Event

By joKer, in HeLLsGamers News, , 15 comments, 2791 views

This event is to see who's better, CSGO or CS:S. It will be played on the HeLLsGamers GunGame server that is set up already. We will be going to twelve random maps (six for CSGO six for CSS), so there will be twelve winners. The winners of the map will get a prize.

Hosted by Joker and Delink

This event is to see who's better, CSGO or CS:S. It will be played on the HeLLsGamers GunGame server that is set up already. We will be going to twelve random maps (six for CSGO six for CSS), so there will be twelve winners. The winners of the map will get a prize.
Hosted by Joker and Delink




Date: 1 MARCH 2014
Time: 4PM Pacific, 5PM Mountain, 6PM Central, 7PM Eastern, 1AM GTM +1
Server: CSS | CSGO


How to play
• You must get one kill with your current gun to level up.
• You could also steal a level from an opponent by knifing them or throwing a knife. Left click to throw a knife. (This levels you up)
• You will receive your next weapon immediately when you level up.
• If you commit suicide you will lose one level


• Must be in Teamspeak 10 minutes before the event starts.
• Everyone is welcome to come to this event.
• Server Rules apply to everyone.
•NO Cheats, exploits or 3rd party tools that give you an unfair advantage over other players.
•NO racism.
•NO douchbaggery.
•NO recruiting or advertising for other clans in this server.
• Be respectful to everyone.
•NO useless spamming of the mic, text, or radio.
• Do NOT wear the -hg- / [HG] / HG | tag unless you are an HG member!
•NO name impersonation of ANYONE.
•NO horrid/pornographic sprays (nothing below the belt).
Commands you could use in the GunGame server.
!premium - Opens up premium menu. (For admins or VIP)
!shop - Opens up a menu to so you could buy items. (For admins or VIP)
!buylevel - Advances you one level. (Cost $12000)
!level - To see your current level and who is winning.
!weapons - To see the weapon order.
!score - To see all players current scores.
!top - To see the top winners on the server.
!leader - To show the current leader.
!rank - To see your place in stats.
!rules - To see all the rules and how to play.




There will be 12 prizes, one for each winner of a round.


Prizes are: 3 x 5000 HG Bux, 3 x JB Rep (for any chosen game), 3 x VIP & 3 x GOLD.


Prizes will be chosen randomly with random.org (the first winner being number 1)

Cs:s Knife Event

By KarmaOfPain, in HeLLsGamers News, , 0 comments, 1603 views
Date: 2/15/14 (Saturday)
Server: CS:S [HG] Community Events Server
Be in TS3 30 minutes before the event.
The server's IP and Password will be given out in teamspeak 15 minutes before the event starts!


This event is open for everyone!
From -hg- to [C]!

No cheats, exploits, glitching, or 3rd party tools that give you an unfair advantage over other players.
No ghosting.
Do not be disrespectful.
No sexual harassment of female players.
Do not be racist or use racist terms.
No useless spamming of the mic, text, or radio. That means no songs/soundbytes, especially if fellow players are complaining.
No recruiting or advertising for other clans in here.
Do not wear the -hg- / [HG] / HG | tag unless you are an HG member!
No name impersonation of ANYONE.
No horrid/pornographic sprays (nothing below the belt).
If you are caught trying to crash or lag the server you will be permanently banned.

The top 3 players who get the most kills on all 2 maps will win these prizes
1st place: 10k credits
2nd place: 7k credits
3rd place: 3k credits


HG 2 V 2 Tournament

By SBPro, in Events, , 5 comments, 2434 views

Ever wanted to test you and a partners skill? Now is your chance! Register your teams now! Here

Important Information
Date: Sunday, February 9th
Time: 4PM Pacific, 5PM Mountain, 6PM Central, 7PM Eastern
Server: [HG] Community Event Server
Be in Ts3 30 minutes before the event.

This is simply 2 V 2 Scrim.
Best to 11 rounds.
Single Elimination Bracket

Teams must be registered on the forums by Feb 8th: Here
Thread will be locked by midnight with no chance for changes.
You must make sure both teammates will be able to attend and stay full length of the tournament.
Must have a team name. Please follow HG rules and discretion when choosing a name.
A Knife fight will decide what side you are on.

Maps are based on tier of bracket team is on.
Dust 2 > Season > Nuke > Inferno > Strike (Depending on how many people attend.)


This event is for people in HG only!
-hg- to [C]
Any recruits wanting to attend the event must have been in HellsGamers for at least a month.

No leaving without finding a replacement.
No purposely team killing/attacking (includes flash).
No purposely dying/switching teams within rounds.
No douchebaggery.
No bind spamming (2 or more times).
No illegal defuses.
No disrespectful or harmful trash talk.
No cheats, exploits, or 3rd party tools that give you an unfair advantage over other players.
No ghosting.
No name impersonation.
No horrid/pornographic sprays (nothing below the belt).

1st - 6000 Premium Credits & $20 steam game OR 1 month of Gold Each
2nd - 4000 Premium Credits Each & $5 steam game each
3rd - 2500 Premium Credits Each

TF2: Christmas Deathrun

By Dynas, in HeLLsGamers News, , 7 comments, 3122 views

Join the TF2 Division as we run for our lives and our presents!

Merry Christmas from the TF2 division!
This Christmas we'll be celebrating with a massive pile of bodies while you RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!
Anyone is welcome. It's Christmas after all!
Prizes will be awarded for top scoring people.
Prizes will be from the new winter crates.
How many prizes handed out will be up to how much stuff we uncrate lol.

Where and When

This will be on our event server 5-6pm central time.
Password is hgevents

Link to the Calendar event

Cs:go Gungame Grand Opening

By joKer, in Events, , 12 comments, 3225 views

Come out to the official opening of the CSGO gungame server! Prizes to top fragger for the 6 rounds we will play and random weapon skin giveaways from santa!

This event is to help populate HeLLsGamers GunGame server. It will be played on the GunGame server that is set up already. We will be going to six random maps, so there will be six winners. The winners of the map will get a prize.


Hosted by Joker and any other leadership that wants to help out.


Date: 21 DECEMBER 2013
Time: 4PM Pacific, 5PM Mountain, 6PM Central, 7PM Eastern
Server: http://hellsgamers.c...llsgamersc-r100

• You must get one kill with your current gun to level up.
• You could also steal a level from an opponent by knifing them or throwing a knife. Left click to throw a knife. (This levels you up)
• You will receive your next weapon immediately when you level up.
• If you commit suicide you will lose one level



• Must be in Teamspeak 10 minutes before the event starts.
• Everyone is welcome to come to this event.
• Server Rules apply to everyone.

•NO Cheats, exploits or 3rd party tools that give you an unfair advantage over other players.
•NO racism.
•NO douchbaggery.
•NO recruiting or advertising for other clans in this server.
• Be respectful to everyone.
•NO useless spamming of the mic, text, or radio.
• Do NOT wear the -hg- / [HG] / HG | tag unless you are an HG member!
•NO name impersonation of ANYONE.
•NO horrid/pornographic sprays (nothing below the belt).

Commands you could use in the GunGame server.
!premium - Opens up premium menu. (For admins or VIP)
!shop - Opens up a menu to so you could buy items. (For admins or VIP)
!buylevel - Advances you one level. (Cost $12000)
!level - To see your current level and who is winning.
!weapons - To see the weapon order.
!score - To see all players current scores.
!top - To see the top winners on the server.
!leader - To show the current leader.
!rank - To see your place in stats.
!rules - To see all the rules and how to play.

The winners of the six random maps will get a prize.
CS:GO CRATES AND KEYS will be the prizes. Each winner will get 1 month VIP on csgo (or $15 steam card to those who already have vip). I will also be handing out rare weapon skins randomly thoughout the event.

Cs:s Rescue The Hostage Event!

By KarmaOfPain, in Events, , 10 comments, 3642 views
Date: 12/15/13 (Sunday)
Server: CS:S [HG] Community Events Server
The server's IP and password will be given out 20 minutes before the event starts

How will this work?
We will be playing on 3 maps
​Each map will be 20 minutes long
The goal is for the CTs to rescue the Hostages from the Ts


-hg- to [C]

No cheats, exploits, glitching, or 3rd party tools that give you an unfair advantage over other players.
No ghosting.
Do not be disrespectful.
No sexual harassment of female players.
Do not be racist or use racist terms.
No useless spamming of the mic, text, or radio. That means no songs/soundbytes, especially if fellow players are complaining.
No recruiting or advertising for other clans in here.
Do not wear the -hg- / [HG] / HG | tag unless you are an HG member!
No name impersonation of ANYONE.
No horrid/pornographic sprays (nothing below the belt).
If you are caught trying to crash or lag the server you will be permanently banned.
Do NOT kill the hostages on purpose.

The top 3 players who get the most kills on all 3 maps will win these prizes
1st place: 10k credits
2nd place: 7k credits
3rd place: 3k credits

CS:S Scoutzknivez Event!

By KarmaOfPain, in HeLLsGamers News, , 11 comments, 3954 views
Date: 11/22/13 (Friday)
Server: CS:S [HG] Community Events Server
Be in TS3 30 minutes before the event.
The server's IP and Password will be given out in teamspeak 15 minutes before the event starts!

How will this work?
You will only be able to use scouts and knives.
This event will be non deathmatch.
We will be playing on 3 maps, 20 minutes long each map.
Standard scoutzknivez server settings will be used (e.g. low gravity).


This event is open for everyone!
From -hg- to [C]!

No cheats, exploits, glitching, or 3rd party tools that give you an unfair advantage over other players.
No ghosting.
Do not be disrespectful.
No sexual harassment of female players.
Do not be racist or use racist terms.
No useless spamming of the mic, text, or radio. That means no songs/soundbytes, especially if fellow players are complaining.
No recruiting or advertising for other clans in here.
Do not wear the -hg- / [HG] / HG | tag unless you are an HG member!
No name impersonation of ANYONE.
No horrid/pornographic sprays (nothing below the belt).
If you are caught trying to crash or lag the server you will be permanently banned.

The top 3 players who get the most kills on all 3 maps will win these prizes
1st place: 10k credits
2nd place: 7k credits
3rd place: 3k credits

Civ 5 Event!

By TheNoob, in Events, , 8 comments, 3263 views

RSVP for the event here: http://hellsgamers.c...-hg-civ5-event/

HG is having a Civilazation 5 event!
All friends and members of HG welcome (Recruit and Up).
Here are the rules: City States: 24
Map Size: Huge
Game Pace: Standard
Game Era: Ancient Era
Turn Mode: Simultaneous
sunday 12pm pst, 1pm mst, 2pm cst, 3pm est
All Victories Enabled
Advanced Game Options: Quick Combat
Additional Rules:
All standard HG rules (no racism, etc)
No playing as Japan (overpowered in military conflict)
12 players maximum on a map.
Look for Inc or Boxer in teamspeak to join!
RSVP Here: http://hellsgamers.c...-hg-civ5-event/