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HeLLsGamers News


By Guest, in Sponsors, , 0 comments, 1541 views
<img src="/images/partners/nationvoice/700x97.png" />

NationVoice has positioned itself as a worldwide leader in online voice communications. Our steadfast networks and customer satisfaction has put NationVoice on top of the rest. Our commitment to our NationVoice family is very simple, and that is quality. Our customers are the most important part of the equation here at NationVoice. Our commitment to excellence and quality is essential in maintaining our place on top as being the best.
Here at NationVoice, we take great pride in keeping the world connected. The future will bring change to communication technology, and NationVoice will be there to lead the way. Experience the difference of our World-wide Voice over IP network, the first of its kind. Our core business strategy is to enhance our brand image and the quality of our services. Sign up today and see why NationVoice deserves to be your Ventrilo voice hosting company. NationVoice provides Ventrilo hosting to support HellsGamers user supported community.


By Guest, in Sponsors, , 0 comments, 1524 views
<img src="/images/partners/griffinrun/728x90.jpg" alt="Game Servers" />

GriffinRUN has established itself as a top of the line game server provider since first serving the community in early 1995. The company has associated itself with taking pride in putting their customers first and foremost. Always striving to raise the bar of perfection, GriffinRUN provides our users with the most advanced services that others just can't compete with. We intend to continue our tradition of excellence by exercising our professionally trained staff, continuing our push for affordable server hosting, and giving the customer what is demanded in the competitive environment we have today. GriffinRUN provides high performance game server hosting to support HellsGamers user supported community.

End of Reality

By Guest, in Sponsors, , 0 comments, 1593 views
<img src="/images/partners/eoreality/eor_728x90.jpg" alt="Game Servers" />

End of Reality prides itself on providing the best service, most innovative ideas with the most knowledgeable staff in today's industry. With the highest quality performance servers in the industry we have gained the trust of top teams, organizations, and players. We run our highly optimized servers on premium networks to ensure the lowest possible pings, best trace routes and accurate hit registration. What are you waiting for? Stop playing and start gaming. End of Reality provides high performance game server hosting to support HellsGamers user supported community.


By Guest, in Sponsors, , 0 comments, 1644 views
<img src="/images/partners/gameme/logo.png" />

gameME Stats brings exciting competition to your gameserver by integrating realtime statistics. This all-inclusive hosting service is offered by the leading provider of player and gameserver statistics. A gameME Stats account includes the generation of Statistics, Webpages, Ingame interaction, access to Global Services and much more. gameME provides game stats to support HellsGamers user supported community.


By Guest, in Sponsors, , 0 comments, 1735 views
<img src="/images/partners/softlayer/SL_Banner_HELLSGAMERS-8-2010_728x90.gif" />

SoftLayer provides global, on-demand data center and hosting services from facilities across the U.S. We leverage best-in-class connectivity and technology to innovate industry leading, fully automated solutions that empower enterprises with complete access, control, security, and scalability. SoftLayer provides bandwidth to support HellsGamers user supported community.

How to signup

By Guest, in Premium, , 0 comments, 2112 views
<a name="signup"></a>Step by step:

Locate your SteamID: https://hellsgamers.com/FindYourSTEAMID
Enter your SteamID in the Signup box located at the top right of this page and click Signup
You should now see your SteamID filled in and you can Click the Update Card button
Review over your Cart Package to make sure it is correct
Then Click the Checkout button
Proceed to complete your payment
Check your email for notifications

Once your payment has been received your Premium account will be activated instantly!
If you need any help signing up for Premium, ask for help in the Admin Discussion Forum: https://hellsgamers.com/forums/37-Admin-Discussion

How to use your reserved slot when a server is full

By Guest, in Premium, , 0 comments, 1641 views
Open your game Console* (~)
Type: <span style="padding:4px;border:1px solid #444;background-color:#222;">connect SERVER IP:PORT</span>
Example: <span style="padding:4px;border:1px solid #444;background-color:#222;">connect</span>
[spoiler=How to open up console?]1.) Open (CS:S or TF2)
2.) Press "Esc" button
3.) Click on "Options" to your bottom left of the screen.
3.) Click on the "Keyboard" tab on top of the window that opens.
4.) Find the "Advance" button the bottom of that screen and click it.
5.) Click to check the option "Enable Developer Console (~)".
6.) Now you can open your "Console" up.

What is HeLLsGamers Premium?

By Guest, in Premium, , 0 comments, 1919 views
<a name="about"></a>
<img src="/images/premium/hg_premium2.png" />

HG Premium gives you added features across the community website and the game servers you love most.
Considering we currently host some of the most popular servers in the entire world, this is quite a deal!
Premium accounts are also eligible for chances to win exclusive FREE GIVEAWAYS in the VIP Area
HeLLsGamers offers two different packages for Premium, please read the <a href="https://hellsgamers.com/content/126-premium#features" target="_self">Features</a> below.

HG Gold Package -- Includes All Features w/ Admin Commands.
HG Silver Package -- Includes All Features w/o Admin Commands.  
Signup for Premium and know your dedicated support is making HeLLsGamers one of the best multi-gaming communities in the world!


By Guest, in Premium, , 0 comments, 1832 views
<a name="screenshots"></a>
[TABLE=class: outer_border, width: 100%]
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