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Zekk's Blog

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What I've Learned from Playing on Office Noob Training Server




1) New players think every good Awper is a Hacker.

2) New players tend to get harassed by more experienced players, For Example: When experienced players die and get impatient. They are more likely to try to vote kick a noob for not knowing the map. then just relax and wait for the next round.

3) If one person picks up an Awp. All new players must have Awps.

4) New players just need a little guidance from the more experienced players to become 100% better in just a few rounds.

5) New players left click when knifing a lot, and more experienced players are more likely to yell at them for it, then explain why they should right click in staid.

6) If you stack teams of experienced players against noob players, don't surprised when they all quit because they are not having any fun.

7)Some Experienced players will intentionally switch onto a already stacked team so they wont be on a team that is losing, even if the right thing to do is stay on a more noob heavy side to help keep balance.

8) More experienced players seem to talk more crap to noobs because they look like gods in the server.

9) Experienced players chase off at least one or two potential recruits a day with this sort of behavior.


I don't want to be that kind of experienced player.

Id rather stick with my noobs.



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