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Zekk's Blog

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Today I realized that I have actually gotten much better at css.

One year ago my average kpd was around .88

now im sitting at 1.2 or so.


But more, I know how to sneak up on people, where to set up on a map and be able to see without being seen.


How to rush without dieing before I get at least one kill, and most often two or more.


I found myself playing random guns on dm, slowly breaking my p90 addiction.


I have adopted the 5/7 as my favorite pistol.


I use nades much more effectively.


Most importantly I see death less as losing and more as a challenge. A challenge to adapt and fix the weakness in my plans.


This week I won my first 10 man, and was even higher on the score board then I was used to.


This year I hope to learn more maps and how to play positions more effectively, and generally just continue having fun playing with my HG family!



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