Sourcemod Scripting tutorial [part #1]
Hello' date=' I will show the basics of sourcemod scripting in this tutorial.
I will post more tutorials, I need to start somewhere.
example : #include
Includes the file located in sourcemod/scripting/include file. (You can download sourcemod from to see what the file includes).
okay, here's an basic example how to make a plugin and make it personal (includes : author, version, plugin-name, url to your website and stuff like this).
#define (example : #define PLUGIN_VERSION "1.0" then you can use this in a ConVar you will make for this plugin and stuff like this, coming back to this later in the tutorials)
Let's start the code.
// <-- means that you can type any information for them who reads the script, etc what the function does or something like that. /* if you need multiply lines do like this */ #include #define PLUGIN_VERSION "1.0" public Plugin:myinfo = { name = "name of your plugin", author = "You", description = "w/e your plugin does", version = PLUGIN_VERSION, //you can allso remove the #define and add "1.0" here. but if you use cvar its kinda cool to use. url = "" }; //lets add the plugin to use a command for w/e you want your plugin to do public OnPluginStart() { RegAdminCmd("sm_mycommand", Command_MyCommand, ADMFLAG_CUSTOM1); //RedAdminCmd makes to admins can use the command, ADMFLAG_ is the flag required to use this command RegConsoleCmd("sm_my2command", Command_My2Command); //RegConsoleCmd makes the command public so anyone is able to use this "command". } /*this plugin does NOT work, because there is more you need to include to finish up your plugin. I will post more tutorials later, but im kinda busy with new job and stuff*/[/quote']
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