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From: Cs:go Jailbreak Update 15 : What Would You Like To See?





Hi Gangs and Guards, your resident architect SKay here.


Summer is right around the corner! Hooray for all the children that we will cuddle.....I mean keep as pets in our oppressive environment!


On a more serious note, lets talk about the map itself and what Update 15 will be bringing to the table.



New Content


As you might guess, an update usually brings content (well except for update 13 which was a reverse engineering and a rescue update) so we're going to be adding content.


What content you may ask? Well some of it is driven by myself, some of it will be driven by you, the user.


Now is your chance to say what YOU want in the map! If you have a good idea, put it in this thread as a reply and explain the idea and why you think it should be added!


The content I will be creating will stay mostly unknown until it's really ready.


However, there are a few things that I can disclose since they will (most likely) be in the next update :




Update 14 was MEANT to have this, but since the idea took so long to actually get down on paper, let alone in hammer, it was pushed back to this update. Hopefully this time around I can actually get to implementing it!


Area Names


This is one that I am really excited about. While not requested by many, it is one that I think is very important. Jailbreak currently has no area indication so no-one knows where callouts come from, where people are or what places they are in (if they're new to Jailbreak)


What area names aims to do is to implement area names into the HUD, just like area's like Long A show up in the top left hand corner of your HUD when you go down it in Dust II, so people know where they are etc.


Other spooky stuff that you SHALL NOT KNOW


And of course user content





Cue the obligatory "You still gotta fix your shit m8"


Yes I know there are a few dodgy bits with the map like the non-insta weapon pickup. I'll get around to fixing it once I get this update under way.





To the surprise of many, this update will be mostly driven by change. Not the quid left in your back pocket, rather switching things for better things!


Quite a lot of the jail will be getting a look at. While quite a lot of it got a visual facelift when I made use of the updated Train textures so handedly given to us by good 'ol Volvo, it still feels old to me. Props will change, brushes will move and in some cases areas will change in their entirety.


One area that I feel I can disclose is our old friend Blue Room, who never ceases to be changed over the years.


In it's current state, Blue Room is like that huge annoyance. It's bad for CT's and it's a huge advantage to T's. It's caused quite a lot of rule breaking (by accident or otherwise) and in general just doesn't do gameplay very well, especially when the lead isn't great.


Blue Room will cease to be in it's current form, and will expand into something much much better and will be a lot better for gameplay. It won't be the absolute best solution, but will bring it in line to what I want it to be; good game play so fun can be had as much as possible.


Another thing that will be changed is Armoury and Connector (area of land outside JJK room)


Armoury will be changed to become more interactive (sirens for CT's etc.) and will inject more fun and give the CT's somewhat of a fighting chance. I mean it when I say "a fighting chance" since even though CT's got a buff through the map on the last update, they're still only winning roughly 25% of the rounds PROPERLY. I mean getting to LR, not running out of time or any of that nonsense.


More to come as it's finalized somewhat.


TL;DR : Give your suggestions as to what you'd want to see in the next update for Jailbreak!





Source: Cs:go Jailbreak Update 15 : What Would You Like To See?


For all of you guys that actually want a say in jailbreak(maybe) you can post ideas of what you would like to see inside of the jailbreak map for csgo. For fair warning, anything that you suggest is subject to be looked at by staff during the testing of the map and may or may not be added. Ideas could range from disco room to a lesbian shower to be fair to the females. Anyways, post suggestions so we can get this update rollin'.



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