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  1. Earlier
  2. Yes you did knife me and thank you so much for the donation

  3. It has been many years since I played on HG honestly. Though many have other things to do other than gaming nowadays. Especially those who were around in HG's early days. CS Source is riddled with cloned servers now, many of them laggy as a motherbitch. A lot of decent communities no longer exist, except for the 'really successful' ones.
  4. An update to Team Fortress 2 has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart Team Fortress 2. The major changes include: Added missing files for Taunt: The Travel Agent Added No Hat styles for the Cozy Cover-Up Added VScript support for HIDEHUD_MATCH_STATUS flag to hide the Match Status panel Added a borderless window option to video settings Added bicubic lightmaps (from Half-Life 2: 20th Anniversary Update) Added radial fog (from Half-Life 2: 20th Anniversary Update) Added support for Steam Networking Made the default server name for listen servers include the player's name Made the game launch in native resolution by default instead of 640x480 Client-side prediction fixes (these fix 'jank'/rollback in certain situations)Fixed a prediction bug where if the player was moved on the client, their input-based movement for that tick was not taken into account in non-player actions Improved prediction for walking on props and other entities Made certain client-side entities only trigger local prediction errorse.g. If the viewmodel experiences a prediction error, the player will not experience a prediction errorFixed prediction of viewmodel sway Fixed a prediction error regarding weapon idle animationsFixed certain breakable props not gibbing correctly Fixed an issue where certain variables like position would not be updated correctly to match the server in certain situations Fixed the player's base velocity (eg. conveyors, moving items etc.) getting subtly out of sync from client/server Fixed players being able to spam duel cancellation messages for a duel that doesn't exist Fixed not being able to join community servers via Steam invites or game info Fixed lighting position discrepancies for cosmetic items, weapons, and viewmodels (community fix from ficool2) Fixed Equipped label overlapping attribute icons in the loadout menu (community fix from Lindon) Fixed an issue with props and team colors when taunting with Australium weapons Fixed the Voices from Below effect not working when taunting with the Highland Hound set equipped Fixed player voice commands being abruptly ended when the player enters shallow water Fixed incorrect number on the Geneva Contravention achievement icon Fixed the Military Style for The Surgeon General to stay properly semi-visible at all angles Fixed some classes missing the BLU team material for That '70s Chapeau Fixed the Spanish-Latin America option being displayed as English in the Settings menu Fixed the MOTD dialog not working for Spanish-Latin America Updated attribute descriptions for The Scottish Resistance and the Stickybomb Jumper to use 'stickybomb' instead of 'pipebomb' Updated equip_region settings for The Little Bear, The Heavy-Weight Champ, The Grand Duchess Tutu, and the Combat Slacks to fix unnecessary conflicts Updated the Spooky Night and Ominous Night Unusual taunt effects to fix a visual bug (Thanks Kiffy!) Updated koth_overcast_final to improve optimization Updated ctf_applejackAdded block bullets to some stores Unblocked a window at mid, allowing Snipers to shot across the middle hut Removed the missing texture in BLU spawn Gave a chicken a friend, because friendship is magicUpdated cp_fortezzaNew radio model for spawn rooms Changed sentry shack ammo pack on last to a medium Adjusted health pickups throughout the map Changed kill volume on cap A double doors to be more consistent with visuals Improved bot support (Thanks Star Bright) Detail passUpdated pl_patagonia[Stage 1]Fixed some RED bots stuck forever trying to make an impossible jump on the stairs outside spawn Fixed the cart not capping the first point on extremely rare occasions[Stage 2]Improved optimization Fixed a nodraw floor near the first BLU spawn train bridge waterfall Fixed 3D skybox looking pitch black for players using mat_hdr_level 2[Stage 3]Improved optimization Fixed wrap assassin baubles colliding with a solid func_brush bounding box outside BLU spawn Removed the platform above the open choke of the last point Added an additional path to the window overlooking the open choke of the last point Fixed RED bots getting stuck on a solid fence outside the RED spawn Fixed 3D skybox looking pitch black for players using mat_hdr_level 2View the full article
  5. I’ve played a bit on Interchange and The Lab recently, and while the patch is promising, I haven’t seen huge changes either. It still feels like certain sounds don’t sync up properly when you're on different floors. That said, I’m hopeful that they’ll keep tweaking it! As for the walking animation bug, that one was super annoying, so it’s nice to see it fixed. I’ve also been hearing a lot about “Legit and Secure” cheats popping up, which is a bit concerning. I found a site called Kernaim.to, which seems to be a reliable place for updates and guides if anyone's interested. But I guess we just have to trust the devs to stay on top of it.
  6. Foundation is Now Available on Steam and is 25% off!* Foundation is a grid-less, laidback medieval city-building game with a focus on organic development, monument construction and resource management. *Offer ends February 7 at 10AM Pacific Time View the full article
  7. Happy new year friend, time has perhaps past but the fond memories we keep of this community's past is still at bay. Thanks for being apart of the fun experience in JB and Crackhouse!
  8. Rip HG was good while it lasted :(

  9. It's been a long time. Though many probably won't remember me, I went by the game name Kyro. I played the hell out of Jailbreak and Crack House in Source. I just ran into Hydranix in Source and couldn't help but remember the old HG days on the servers, especially guys like Juan Alberto saying "ahhhh perfecto" with a great kill. The 24/7 JB and Crack House servers were some of my favorites and have a ton of fond memories playing on them way back around 2011-2017-ish. I always bounced around between HG and Plague Fest in Source for a long time, and although PF is now offline I'm happy to still see that HG is up and has expanded to other games. Honestly crazy to think how much time has passed in the blink of an eye, I hope that you all are doing great and honestly thanks to the community and the server admins for making some great memories for me to reminisce on.
  10. you've been part of HG for 14.9 years. 11.4 years for me. we getting old bruh

    1. excalibuR


      old as hell! i was 10 years old when i stumbled upon this community. its embedded into my heart.

  11. Starting to put in time playing CS2. Been along time since I played any videos games. Happy New Years everyone!!!


  12. An update to Team Fortress 2 has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart Team Fortress 2. The major changes include: Fixed the Battle Balaclava's "No Gloves" style hiding the Heavy's hands Fixed broken materials for The Westcoat's "Ugly" style Added smoke effect to The Checkered Past Update the Buck's Brim's "Bad" styleFixed broken materials Added smoke effectUpdated cp_fortezzaDetail improvements Improved clippingUpdated koth_cachoeiraFixed players being able to get stuck in certain displacements Various clipping improvements throughout the map Various miscellaneous fixes (Thanks Midnite!) Improved bot navigation (Thanks Katsu!)View the full article
  13. An update to Team Fortress 2 has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart Team Fortress 2. The major changes include: Updated the Brain Cane to fix problems with the texture and phong value Updated The Battle MusicAdded missing Hat style Fixed the models due to clipping on Heavy's ears and misalignment on Engineer Improved and strengthen the Noise Cancellation Updated the materials to fix it not being shiny Updated the backpack icon to reflect the materials changeUpdated cp_gravelpit_snowyFixed potential incompatibility with external VScript files (thanks Le Codex!) Re-implemented cubemap reflections in ice cave Fixed perch spotsUpdated vsh_distillery, vsh_maul, vsh_nucleus, vsh_outburst, vsh_skirmish, and vsh_tinyrockRestored Hale's resistance to knockback back to 75% Reduced bonus flame damage against Hale from 50% to 25% Hale can now do 1 extra Brave Jump before the Jump Fatigue kicks in (thanks Wendy) Weighdown is no longer blocked by the Jump Fatigue (thanks Wendy) Removed area-of-effect of Hale's normal punches (thanks Wendy) Demoman shields now absorb 70% of Saxton Punch! damage (compared to normal 50%) to make the following launch into the stratosphere survivable Fixed Hale taking mini-crits from Direct Hit and Reserve Shooter while underwater (thanks Bradasparky) Fixed airborne mini-crits of Direct Hit and Reserve Shooter applying against the wielder (thanks Bradasparky) Fixed Hale being able to stomp while underwater (thanks Bradasparky) Fixed Sweeping Charge not working against underwater opponents Fixed the bug that prevented Quick-Fix from mirroring a patient's wall climbing (thanks Bradasparky) Fixed Hale's faulty ground detection (thanks Bradasparky) Fixed Baby Face's Blaster's loss of boost not applying correctly (thanks Whurr and MilkMaster72) Fixed the voice lines refusing to play sometimesUpdated pl_patagoniaStage 1Fixed the cart going under the elevator in extremely rare occasions (Thanks Shocked) Fixed sometimes hearing outside soundscapes inside blue spawn Fixed being able to build in a very high rooftop after point A Fixed being able to build in blue spawn Cart elevator is no longer the glitchiest thing in the universe Fixed cart not rolling back after completing the elevator descent sequence Now, if the cart is rolling into the elevator in overtime, the round timer will be set to 5 seconds left, to avoid unfair loses for blue. Timer will resume once the cart reaches the bottom (Thanks I. C. Wiener).Stage 2Removed rollback from the train container ramp in last point (Thanks b4nny) Gave blue more high ground for last point Added an additional dropdown for blue for last point Fixed being able to be teleported into red spawn as blue after capping point A Removed long hill rollback before point C Fixed bots getting stuck on the closed train doors after cap B Fixed being able to leave stickies inside blue last spawn Fixed being able to get stuck in the point C shortcut door for red. If you get trapped, it will kill you. Fixed a pop-in issue relating to areaportals below point B Fixed being able to enter the last blue spawn as red Birdie (Thanks Explocivo808)Stage 3Added a fenced section for the long wood cover wall in last point (Thanks b4nny) Mirrored the window sniper spot in last point choke Fixed being able to build behind a displacement rock wall in last point Removed troll teleport spot in last point ending rampAll StagesSlightly lowered sun brightness and slightly raised skylight brightness Improved skybox transitions The cart no longer tries to defy the law of physics Ninjaneers have more freedom to be ninjas The bots have learned how to play the map Gave the cart another coronación de gloriaView the full article
  14. An update to Team Fortress 2 has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart Team Fortress 2. The major changes include: Updated the Dapper Noel to fix an issue with the mesh Updated vsh_maulFixed broken areaportals Changed some props in the upper area that could be mistaken for a large ammo packView the full article
  15. im the original bread.

  16. An update to Team Fortress 2 has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart Team Fortress 2. The major changes include: Added missing No Gloves style for the Consigliere's Coverup Added missing Versus Saxton Hale kill icons Added some tournament medals Fixed Taunt: Curtain Call voice lines overlapping with other Spy voice lines Fixed the Playful Aurora and Frisky Morning Unusual effects not moving correctly Updated Aurora Skies Unusual effect to fix a timing issue Updated the Necroprancer to fix an issue with the materials Updated the Dusk Duster to fix an issue with the materials Updated the Dapper NoelRemade normal map to be compatible with OpenGL Re-baked Diffuse & updated backpack icon to reflect above changes Removed misplaced ambient occlusion Fixed problematic face flexes Fixed an issue where Engineer's beard was protruding from his goggles Fixed an issue with the jigglebones being disabled Rigged Sniper's hat to be compatible with his melee tauntUpdated Scrooge McDocTransparent lenses are rigged to the correct bone (prp_glasses instead of bip_head) so it should now work correctly with taunts that move the glasses Improved scarf rigging and positioning to allow for better compatibility with shirt cosmetics Updated the backpack iconUpdated koth_overcast_finalFixed an issue with the models/materials Added back snow coverings (now using displacements) to some props that were missing them Fixed misaligned textures in various places Fixed weird lighting bug on a wall in blue spawn Fixed 'Hotel' sign not displaying properly Added back indicators under some health and ammo kits that were missing themUpdated cp_fortezzaRemoved sniper window leading into last Fixed Engineer being able to build in some doors Fixed some props being solid Slight art pass updateUpdated vsh_maulPlayers can no longer hide from Saxton in the dark Fixed props inside other props Fixed z-fighting brushes Fixed missing particle effects for the water feature Fixed orientation of water feature particles Minor lighting changes around the cinema Adjusted LOD change distances for Cinema sign Updated VSH logic Grounded levitating props Aligned misaligned textures Fixed mis-textured walls Clipped upper metal beams Fixed clip brushes sticking out from walls that could be walked on Players will now be pushed off of the fire bell Adjusted cinema sign shadow Used spell check on Saxton's Package sign Updated how music is activated and deactivated Fixed clipping on the hanging big ornamentsView the full article
  17. Ramblings with DoZY #2: I Like Light


    Hello everyone, DoZY here! First of all, happy holidays! I know Christmas is not too immediate, but it's approaching fast, so get ready. I assume no one saw my first batch of this, which is fine. That was VERY "rambly" and excruciatingly long, so sorry if you're one of the unsung people that read through it. This one is going to be a shorter one, no little chapters or nothing. It's mainly just an update on my life and how I'm doing, so enjoy!


    When I first joined HG, I was like 14 or so, just got into high school and all, now I'm a college kid! It's a bit crazy to think about in that context. Time really does fly by. I know I don't play with you all anymore, this place is still a bit special to me. I'm currently in college doing my general education stuff, no majors picked out right now. My main point is that, throughout my years, I've never had something that I considered myself really "good at". I have had stuff that I'm passionate about like math, linguistics, and music (look at my entire other yap sesh), but never anything that I thought I was particularly talented in. I used to love drawing when younger but I'm kinda ass at drawing now. I drum and play bass but I'm intermediate at best. I might be underestimating myself, but that's just how I feel. I looked at the people around me and saw they were talented in arts, sports, and other stuff that I could not compare too. When asked my talents when I was younger, all I could say was writing, but I never really wanted to be good solely in my ability to write. I wanted "cool" skills like being able to draw and play an instrument really well. Comparing yourself to others is one hell of a thing, but it really stuck to me...


    ...Then one faithful day, I decided to join my high school's theater program. My mom always kinda nagged me about joining theater stuff since she literally has a degree in it, but I never budged. Then, I did some research on the theater and the musical they were producing and decided to join the crew for the hell of it. It was the blast. I originally did sound stuff since audio seemed the most interesting to me, but after a bit, I moved towards lights. Lighting is hard to explain, at least for me, but it's very technical. Long story short, I became infatuated with light design and lighting as a whole. For the next three years of doing productions at my high school, I would be doing lights for all of them, being the lighting designer (basically the head of lights) for the last two. It was truly the first thing that I could confidently say I was good at, and I was actually proud of the work I did. I ended up doing a bunch of lighting for my school outside of the theater productions, like for the dance shows. I also ended up being a finalist two times for a theater competition comprising a bunch of schools. It was just really enjoyable. I still do lights today at my community theater and enjoy it plenty. Sure, it is long hours of work, but it really does pay off. I do want to see if I could do it as a career, but I am still looking for other choices if, in the future, I decide to dedicate my life to lights.


    Like I said, way shorter. I hope you enjoyed my little story and such. It really is just a glorified life update, but I enjoyed telling the story. I write these whenever I have a burst of energy too, which is increasingly rare, but I might write more of these in the future if I can. Don't get your hopes up though. See ya!

  18. An update to Team Fortress 2 has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart Team Fortress 2. The major changes include: Happy Smissmas 2024! All players who play TF2 during the event will receive a Stuffed Stocking as a gift! Stockings contain goodies for good little Mercenaries. Featuring 6 new community maps: Overcast, Fortezza, Penguin Peak, Patagonia, Cutter, and Maul Added the Winter 2024 Cosmetic CaseContains 23 new community-contributed items The Festivizer can be found as a bonus drop when opening the caseAdded 3 new community-contributed taunts to the Mann Co. StoreTaunt: Fore-Head Slice Taunt: Peace! Taunt: Curtain CallAdded 18 new community-created Unusual effects9 new effects for Unusual hats 9 new effects for Unusual tauntsAll cosmetic and taunt cases will grant Smissmas 2024 Unusual effects instead of their normal Unusual effects during the event. This does not include crates. Mann Co. Store winter sale! Smissmas runs through January 7th, 2025 General Fixed a client crash when previewing imported items in the Workshop dialog Fixed showing an error model when equipping the Scottish Resistance Fixed The Executioner not hiding the Scout's dog tags Updated the Mountebank's Masque to fix a problem with the materials Updated/Added some tournament medals Updated vsh_distillery, vsh_nucleus, vsh_outburst, vsh_skirmish, and vsh_tinyrockGeneralAdded the gamemode intro movie (made by Lacry, thanks) Improved the delivery of VSH-related voice lines for Soldier, Engineer and Sniper Updated some VSH-related voice lines for Saxton, Soldier, Engineer and Sniper (thanks The Rat Man) Added Hale's kill icons Visual improvements to Hale's Ability HUD (thanks Funicular) Added a visual cue signaling an upcoming Saxton Punch! Minor visual improvements to Saxton Hale and his particle effects Fixed the boss bar sometimes starting invisible Fixed a rare crash caused by seeing blood decals on Hale while playing on low graphics quality settings Fixed a rare bug when Hale's Ability HUD textures become missingBalance Changes - Saxton HaleAdded Brave Jump Fatigue. Each consecutive jump will be less powerful, requiring a short break to restore to full strengthWeightdown ability is disabled during Jump FatigueIncreased Hale's health by ~100HP per opponent Adjusted Hale's health formula against 24+ opponents - Hale now gains 2000HP for every opponent past 23 (thanks Megascatterbomb) Hale's resistance to knockback reduced from 75% to 35% Head Stomp damage now scales with Hale's downward speed, dealing between 64 and 193 damage (previously dealt flat 195 damage)Balance Changes - MercenariesExplosives and fire now deal 50% more damage against Hale The 40% minigun damage penalty now applies to full crits only Broken Demoman shields now retain the charge ability Demoman shields now absorb only 50% of the incoming damage upon breaking (a would-be-lethal blow will leave the Demo at 1HP) Greatly decreased sticky trap damage reduction Removed Scottish Resistance's 20% damage penalty Baby Face's Blaster now loses 20% of its boost upon Wall ClimbingUpdated vsh_tinyrock (additional changes)Improved performance Fixed odd clipping at one of the spawnsUpdated vsh_distillery (additional changes)Improved performanceUpdated vsh_nucleus (additional changes)Fixed setup time ending five seconds too early Improved detailing in some areas Improved clipping on staircases Increased control point capture time to 15 seconds Removed collision on some lights Changed damage model and damage amount of the toxic waste pit and puddlesUpdated vsh_skirmish (additional changes)Fixed setup time ending five seconds too early Fixed an issue where Engineers could build in the crocodile pit Fixed not being able to wall climb certain trees in the main arena Fixed some lighting issues on stalactites and other props Parts of Hale's intro sequence no longer play while waiting for players Improved optimization and detailing in some areas Improved clipping on spiral stairs (Thanks Aar!) Updated security systemUpdated cp_brewThe shortcut from RED spawn to the "A" point now has a nobuild trigger Added floor indicator for the health kit in the "A" point wooden shack Adjusted "A" point wooden shack to allow more breathing room Fixed getting stuck on the "A" gate's frame Fixed teletrap near "A" point ditch route Fixed being able to place buildings inside an out-of-bounds room outside "A" point Fixed some stuck spots near "B" point Fixed being able to shoot through a crack in the BLU forward spawn Fixed floating props in the diner Fixed one way door not forcing itself closed Cleaned up some collisions and clipping across the map Improved lighting on all of the archwaysUpdated koth_krampusFixed missing trees in skybox Improved look of waterfall texture near full health-kit Fixed minor visual errors Minor NPC clipping changes Fed krampus some oatsUpdated pl_emergeSwitched on the cart light Fixed RED players being able to sit on the edge of an exit of BLU's starting spawn Fixed some doors showing incorrect textures Fixed the final capture point displaying an incorrect string Fixed the map occasionally playing incorrect ambient sounds Minor visual and performance tweaksUpdated cp_carrierThe Carrier now has full crits rather than mini-crits The Carrier now uses the robot voice lines Improved hearability of the Carrier's voice lines and footsteps Fixed visual bugs with the boss bar Fixed the Carrier sometimes becoming invisible while taunting Fixed animation glitches when a Demoman Carrier holds a Stickybomb Launcher Fixed occasional phasing through the elevator platform at BLU spawn Decreased size of the frogView the full article
  19. Whats up gamers! 

  20. An update to Team Fortress 2 has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart Team Fortress 2. The major changes include: Improved matchmaking performance Improved matchmaker behavior for users with less-than-ideal ping levels. The matchmaker should now be quicker to put you in the best available region. Improved matchmaker decision making for cross-region parties Added error messages when being ejected from the matchmaking queue due to connectivity or authentication failures, rather than the queue simply silently vanishing Fixed the matchmaking settings dialog frequently failing to display any datacenters Fixed multiple cases of in-progress casual matches abruptly terminating or failing to be assigned any new players if the game server ever loses connection to Steam Updated the Mountebank's Masque, Courtier's Collar, and Harlequin's Hooves cosmetic items to fix issues with their paint regions Updated cp_gravelpit_snowyFixed a script issue Improved performance Improved clippingView the full article
  21. An update to Team Fortress 2 has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart Team Fortress 2. The major changes include: Fixed the Guano and Batbelt cosmetic items hiding the Scout's dog tags Fixed The Beacon from Beyond incorrectly hiding a bunch of bodygroups Fixed the Quoth cosmetic item hiding the Scout's headphones Fixed some broken materials for some props_farm gib models Adding "Hat" style for the Fuel Injector Updated the Clue Hairdo to fix broken smoke effect Updated koth_synthetic_eventEdited nav mesh to minimize the Toastmaster running diving into the grinder/death pitUpdated pd_farmageddonRevoked scarecrow gym membership which lowered their health from 500 to 350Updated zi_atoll, zi_blazehattan, zi_devastation_final1, zi_murky, zi_sanitarium, and zi_woodsFixed an exploit allowing some players to respawn as a human or play as a human on the Zombie teamView the full article
  22. Sorry to mention but it was my birthday a bit ago. Adulting time.

  23. An update to Team Fortress 2 has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart Team Fortress 2. The major changes include: Reverted BLU Scout pants fix because it conflicts with too many existing cosmetics Updated the Fleet Commander again to fix import problems from the previous update Updated the Phantom Plague and Haunting Haze Unusual effects to fix sometimes spawning away from the player Updated cp_freaky_fairFixed issues related to the gamemode logicReapplied check that was mistakenly removed to check if the player is actively buying upgrades in a station or not Implemented new custom system to refund upgrades to hopefully address inconsistencies both in-round and across rounds Implemented logic to handle mismatches in recorded vs actual currency values when leaving the upgrade trigger and having not accepted de-bought upgrades Reverted code to do with Ghosts and Sentry busters to fix bugs related to their effects not de-applying Implemented a way to force kill players to address edge cases where you could survive as the sentry buster past their explosion (Thanks MilkMaster!) Improved the logic which checks if you can apply a new potion effect to yourself to address bugs where effects can overlap Fixed sniper and demo shields not having their upgrades cleared Fixed canteens not having their values cleared when refunding whilst not equippedIncreased the height of the skybox Increased last point capture time from 6s to 7s Changed some clipping to stop giants from building on roofs Smoothed out a divot (Thanks Midnite!)Updated zi_atoll, zi_blazehattan, zi_devastation_final1, zi_murky, zi_sanitarium, and zi_woodsGeneralRe-encoded all Zombie Infection sound effects as .WAVThis fixes issues with sound effects not playing correctly and spewing errors in the consoleBug fixesFixed a bug that caused Sniper's Spit Pool to deal much more damage than intended Fixed a bug that caused team names to not display correctly when playing on mp_tournament mode Fixed a bug where Engineer would sometimes scream like a charging Demoman while throwing an EMP GrenadeZombie ChangesSniper's Spit Pool damage vs Survivors no longer stacks when standing in multiple zones Zombie Heavy is no longer immune to Critical Hits Zombie Heavy's max health raised to 525 (from 450) Zombie Pyro's max health raised to 250 (from 175) Zombie Pyro now drops a medium health kit on deathSurvivor ChangesCrossbow weapons no longer have a flat damage multiplier against Zombies The B.A.S.E Jumper can no longer be deployed if you are one of the last three survivors Jumper Weapons can no longer store reserve ammunitionUpdated zi_murky (additional changes)Added more respawn room triggers around the new spawn zonesView the full article
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