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you've been part of HG for 14.9 years. 11.4 years for me. we getting old bruh
Starting to put in time playing CS2. Been along time since I played any videos games. Happy New Years everyone!!!
Ramblings with DoZY #2: I Like Light
Hello everyone, DoZY here! First of all, happy holidays! I know Christmas is not too immediate, but it's approaching fast, so get ready. I assume no one saw my first batch of this, which is fine. That was VERY "rambly" and excruciatingly long, so sorry if you're one of the unsung people that read through it. This one is going to be a shorter one, no little chapters or nothing. It's mainly just an update on my life and how I'm doing, so enjoy!
When I first joined HG, I was like 14 or so, just got into high school and all, now I'm a college kid! It's a bit crazy to think about in that context. Time really does fly by. I know I don't play with you all anymore, this place is still a bit special to me. I'm currently in college doing my general education stuff, no majors picked out right now. My main point is that, throughout my years, I've never had something that I considered myself really "good at". I have had stuff that I'm passionate about like math, linguistics, and music (look at my entire other yap sesh), but never anything that I thought I was particularly talented in. I used to love drawing when younger but I'm kinda ass at drawing now. I drum and play bass but I'm intermediate at best. I might be underestimating myself, but that's just how I feel. I looked at the people around me and saw they were talented in arts, sports, and other stuff that I could not compare too. When asked my talents when I was younger, all I could say was writing, but I never really wanted to be good solely in my ability to write. I wanted "cool" skills like being able to draw and play an instrument really well. Comparing yourself to others is one hell of a thing, but it really stuck to me...
...Then one faithful day, I decided to join my high school's theater program. My mom always kinda nagged me about joining theater stuff since she literally has a degree in it, but I never budged. Then, I did some research on the theater and the musical they were producing and decided to join the crew for the hell of it. It was the blast. I originally did sound stuff since audio seemed the most interesting to me, but after a bit, I moved towards lights. Lighting is hard to explain, at least for me, but it's very technical. Long story short, I became infatuated with light design and lighting as a whole. For the next three years of doing productions at my high school, I would be doing lights for all of them, being the lighting designer (basically the head of lights) for the last two. It was truly the first thing that I could confidently say I was good at, and I was actually proud of the work I did. I ended up doing a bunch of lighting for my school outside of the theater productions, like for the dance shows. I also ended up being a finalist two times for a theater competition comprising a bunch of schools. It was just really enjoyable. I still do lights today at my community theater and enjoy it plenty. Sure, it is long hours of work, but it really does pay off. I do want to see if I could do it as a career, but I am still looking for other choices if, in the future, I decide to dedicate my life to lights.
Like I said, way shorter. I hope you enjoyed my little story and such. It really is just a glorified life update, but I enjoyed telling the story. I write these whenever I have a burst of energy too, which is increasingly rare, but I might write more of these in the future if I can. Don't get your hopes up though. See ya!