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-hg- Ninja Rebel


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1. Abuser name: -hg- Ninja Rebel

2. Their Steam Id: STEAM_0:0:30010224

3. What server: Jailbreak.

4. About what time: 1:30 - 2:00 est

5. PROOF: Demos

6. Please tell us about the incident:

Demo A:

Start - Unmutes himself to spam hlss.

Tic 11,000 - Freeslays the T because he goes into inferm during an lr.


Demo B:

Tic 19,000 - He gets into an arguement about jumping out of cells. I don't see weather he did or not but as an admin that says he knows the motd, he should know that they can jump out of their cells, even when he says no jumping.

Tic 41,000 - Slaps Ts for no reason.

Tic 49,000 - He unmutes himself to talk about how he slayed himself. I thought there was admin chat for a reason. Didn't know what though.


He's a bad ct also. Probably enough evidence in the demos for a T-list.

Edited by Slazenger
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Friday, May 07, 2010

3:24 PM - -hg- Ninja Rebel: Holy shit, 2 abuse reports for not much reason

3:24 PM - -hg- Ninja Rebel: Just because people hate me.

3:24 PM - -hg- Ninja Rebel: You know what, I resign from HG. Remove my admin and everything. Fuck it.

-hg- Ninja Rebel is now playing Counter-Strike: Source. Click here to join.

3:28 PM - HG | Slazenger, der Anfänger: mature way to handle it.

3:28 PM - -hg- Ninja Rebel: Indeed it is.

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Yeah, just screw it.

FYI motive, people asked me to play the song. As for my so called freekills, these demos fail. Learn to listen to orders and don't file abuse reports for pretty much nothing.


And Slaz, I said that because there was already an abuse report for 1 freeslay because of what I thought was a freekill. So much drama for 1 little thing. Its the same story with AlbinoBurrito. Lots of people watch him like a hawk and wait for the very second he screws up and boom, they try to get him banned.

Most hg players have no respect for people who are younger than they are or whose voices haven't dropped yet (such as mine).


It has been like that ever since I started playing hg servers.


So if you want to remove my admin, fine. If you don't, fine. I dont like playing with nitpickers anyways. Your call Slaz. I'd be happy with both solutions.


But seriously, some people need to learn tolerance and respect.


Edit : the T slap was an accidental hit of my pirate day bind. gj bro, way to nitpick.


And me unmuting myself to say I slayed myself was because lead had said "kill ninja rebel day" he didn't know I was dead, so what else could I do


This report is full of nitpicking and obvious that you just want me banned because you don't like me.


Sorry for phail typing, I'm on my iPhone and trying to make this quick.

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FYI motive, people asked me to play the song.


That does not give you the right to unmute yourself.


As for my so called freekills, these demos fail. Learn to listen to orders and don't file abuse reports for pretty much nothing.


So you watched an hours worth of demos in 30 minutes?


he didn't know I was dead, so what else could I do



I thought there was admin chat for a reason.

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Lead wasnt admin, duh, so how the hell could I use admin chat? Seriously.

And I obviously didn't watch all the demos, I

Skipped to your "highlights". God this is pathetic.

"slaps t's for no reason".. Lol pull the next card, kk? You're just

nitpicking, finding ANYTHING to get me banned. That's cheap.


You won't make me give in. You just don't like me and want me banned. There's nothig great to see here an ta definitely not worth watching 1 hour of demos for. Keep trying. This is blatant nitpicking, just ecause you don't like the fact that I'm young and you dont like my way of leading.


Funny how you don't bitch so much at other people who have the occasional slip up.

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Geeze people, the server is about having fun! If some people asked for it, then he SHOULD be allowed to play the song, unless a few people tell him to stop.


Also, we're all human. So he accidentally slapped the t's from his pirate day bind. So? We all make small mistakes, and I'm sure you've freekilled a few times in the past yourself.


Honestly, even if he was completely in the wrong in all this, it doesn't sound as severe as to remove his admin. Just have a small talk with him and try to FIX the problem so that everyone is happy.

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I have read admin rules

Several times.


I know I kinda messed up a little bit, but that doesnt solve the problem of Motive being a nitpicker and adding any other thing he can find, despite it being totally irrelevant and not a disturbance to Anyone else on the server. Let's just face it, this report is full of fail, just some guy tryig to get me banned because he doesn't like me.






Edit : HALLELUJAH! Finally someone sees sense! Thanks Zee super german.


Motive, take a laxative and calm down. Learn to be tolerant of people who can't be perfect like you, and of people who are different from you.

Edited by Ninja Rebel
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i have a strong policy against music on the server unless its game related such as cha cha slide day, other then that i only allow short sound bytes around 2 seconds. If you are spamming music over orders, or if even ONE person says they don't want to listen to it dead or alive you turn that off. I will review the demo's when i return home tonight.

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