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all Clarification On Starting Simon Says.


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Situation came up where the wording for the order was. Today we are going to try and play pokemon and we are going to be playing simon says. It sparked the conversation of does saying you WILL be playing simon says (aka saying we will be playing it in the future) count as a phrase to start it? I get this is a very very very nitpick sort of thing but it could end up tarping some people on accident. It gives the impression that it will be played at some point during the day but might lead to confusion if it is starting now. Just look for clarification.




Does future tense phrases (We are going to be playing simon says) count as the start of SS?

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  • Lead may start simon says through saying any reasonable variation of "we are playing simon says". Likewise, saying any variation of "we are no longer playing simon says" will end the day. You can NOT tarp Ts with a fake starting/ending simon says and claim you said it wrong.

"We are going to be playing simon says" is a legitimate way to start it.

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  • Lead may start simon says through saying any reasonable variation of "we are playing simon says". Likewise, saying any variation of "we are no longer playing simon says" will end the day. You can NOT tarp Ts with a fake starting/ending simon says and claim you said it wrong.

"We are going to be playing simon says" is a legitimate way to start it.

Thats not what hes asking. Hes asking if i say we are GOING TO play simon says. As in future tense.

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The general trend seems to be if it has to be brought up on the forums, you can pretty much assume that you shouldn't be doing the tarp.


I think the bible also says you shouldn't be tarping with starting/stopping simon says, in fact I'm 80% sure it's in there.


So, no, no you shouldn't be doing that order.

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