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Clifford's Gardening Pic's 2014


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Clifford gardening thread 2014



Full garden picture



South side



North side






So this thread is to show off my horticultural skills which I spend a long part of my time on in the summer. Well be showing off the pictures of the garden as well as the fruit of my labor that I eat, giveaway, or jar up for winter. Feel free to post up your garden and anything that many come from it. You may comment on anything you see in here or ask any questions that you are having problems with in your garden. As well as what you see in the thread. Hope you like what you see and it might drive you to someday start a garden of your own. It is a get stress release and hobby that anyone can do and get good at. Late


Please don't Troll / Spam / Be Douchbag in the thread.

I know a lot of you dislike me and hate me do it on my

profile or in pm's just on in this thread ty

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Even though I think it's funny on a gaming forum I'm not gonna troll :)

We plant pumpkins, potatoes, tomatoes, parsley, green beans, chive and a bunch of other things. I don't do it myself though my dad does most of it :)

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Woah dude thats freaking amazing!


What's going into the south side?

Look at the bottom of this post for a full list of what in the north and south side and what is going to happen .

Damn. You're not messing around. What all do you have planted right now?


I've done some smaller 10x10 plots on our land to do lettuce, cucumbers, strawberries and potatoes. Haven't done it in quite a while because, to be honest, it's a ton of work.

Ty Sirius truly you should take it back up you can only gain from it. There is so many benefits that can come from it. Plus anyone can do it on any size. <3

that is pretty cool


You growing lettuce In the north plot?

<br/>Yes at the bottum this post is a list everything and place in the garden.


Even though I think it's funny on a gaming forum I'm not gonna troll <img src='http://hellsgamers.c...fault/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=' :)'/>

We plant pumpkins, potatoes, tomatoes, parsley, green beans, chive and a bunch of other things. I don't do it myself though my dad does most of it <img src='http://hellsgamers.c...fault/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=' :)'/>

You should him him out more if you are going share in the wealth of what comes out of it. :)

Looks good clifford.


any weed?

lol where the dank nuggz gonna be growing u feel me<br/>

Yes guys that is in a different plot I can not show online...


I know why cliff is growing cucumbers for himself....


But still, awesome stuff there!

Yes Lady if you mean the cucumbers are for Kosher mini pickles and Dill pickles for canning then Yes! I could send you some in about 5 months if you'd like. There gone with in 7 months though there just to damn GOOD!


North side

Row 1 ~ You can't see it but there are asparagus plot starting up b.c my last one died off

Row 2 ~ Leeks

Row 3 ~ White / Red Onions

Row 4 ~ Yellow Onions / Lettuce / Leaf Lettuce

Row 5 ~ 3 Squash plants with radishes planted around them / Peas / Spinach / Carrots

Row 6 ~ Potatoes / Hot Peppers 3 different kinds

Row 7 ~ Cabbage / Cauliflower / Broccoli / Beans

Row 8 ~ Cucumbers / Sweet Corn

Row 9 ~ Decorative Corn / Field Corn


South Side

Row 1 ~ Five different kinds of Tomatoes with Marigold planted between them

Row 2 ~ Three different kinds of Tomatoes with basil planted between them

Row 3 ~ Sweet peppers 4 different kinds


At the end of each row ont he South side to the west end of the garden there is a hill with Sugar baby watermelons / Cantaloupe / Pumpkins


Each pole has one Tomatoe plant next to it.


Watermelons coming up



Cantaloupe coming up




Luttuce we have ate everynight for a week now.


Small bach of Broccoli


Edited by Clifford No! Kinkade
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Quite a summer project Clifford. I know that it's back breaking work, I used to spend about every other weekend with my sister in the country and then the whole summer with them as well. I worked in the fields along with them harvesting tomatoes, green beans,cukes,beets,corn,potatoes etc. sweated and swore profusely(under my breath of course) but i can say one thing though, those are some of the best memories i still carry to this day.you should be very proud, nice work... the rabbits and deer are going to love you :-)

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Nice work, Clifford! You've got talent!


Why is there a load of rocks in your field, i know Irish soil is good and all but...

Ya you go about 2 inches in to the ground here and you hit nothing but rock in Republic,Missouri... But my garden has been established for over 50 years. the owners of the house before had it for 30 years in the same spot. We have been here 20 years with it being maintained so we have pick rocks but it good growing.

Quite a summer project Clifford. I know that it's back breaking work, I used to spend about every other weekend with my sister in the country and then the whole summer with them as well. I worked in the fields along with them harvesting tomatoes, green beans,cukes,beets,corn,potatoes etc. sweated and swore profusely(under my breath of course) but i can say one thing though, those are some of the best memories i still carry to this day.you should be very proud, nice work... the rabbits and deer are going to love you :-)

TY and ya I have dogs to run all the rabbits and deer away ty for the kind words.

I just it for stress and relaxation mostly. Was talking to the neighbor today and pretty sure I could support close to 3-4 family's off what I grow and maintain. So when and if shit does hit the fan. I'll be eating good along with raising and knowing how to slaughter cattle. Me FTW!





My enemy the potato beetle been killing about 10 or more a day....



The mess of Broc. I got two days ago NUM NUM NUM



Radishes I been using on a salad everyday.



One of the three bags of leaf and regular lettuce I have gave out to people


To give and not receive is my goal in life O.o

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Early harvest! For fun I grew a snap pea vine with my daughter. Despite my wife's best attempts to kill it, we kept it alive. It grew a single pod that was big as heck and she was SOOOO proud of it. I told her, "That's one healthy bean...no I mean that's ONE healthy bean..." LOL. So sweet when they're little and each new thing is an accomplishment. You clearly had people in your life that passed on the growing tradition. Excellent!

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Wow, that's awesome. Very nice!



Early harvest! For fun I grew a snap pea vine with my daughter. Despite my wife's best attempts to kill it, we kept it alive. It grew a single pod that was big as heck and she was SOOOO proud of it. I told her, "That's one healthy bean...no I mean that's ONE healthy bean..." LOL. So sweet when they're little and each new thing is an accomplishment. You clearly had people in your life that passed on the growing tradition. Excellent!

Oh and between the potato beetles and the caterpillars on the tomato plants, we kept busy in my mom's garden all summer, too!

Thank for the great story and kind words as well. If you ever want to learn how to setup something in the space you have I can help you if you want. A setup where people can not attempt to kill it off and produce more the one thing. Just let me know we can talk in Teamspeak and get all the info needed. Yes from the age of 5 I have been picking rocks in the garden and it just grow from there. Ya my garden is 100% organic but you can use powders and sprays to keep most all bugs away as well.


Fantastic! That's a lot of hard work.





South End






North End






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Thank for the great story and kind words as well. If you ever want to learn how to setup something in the space you have I can help you if you want. A setup where people can not attempt to kill it off and produce more the one thing. Just let me know we can talk in Teamspeak and get all the info needed. Yes from the age of 5 I have been picking rocks in the garden and it just grow from there. Ya my garden is 100% organic but you can use powders and sprays to keep most all bugs away as well.


That would be nice, man. I'll definitely hit you up. My backyard is small (California, you know) but I make space. I was out doing pond maintenance today. I put it a small pond a couple years ago. It has fish, crayfish and even a small turtle. My daughters love it and have fished right out of it. I took out the floating filter plants and have a bad algae bloom right now, but I'm going to put some duckwort in it. It proliferates quickly, covering the surface and the algae die off without any sun, so I don't have to use chemicals. Then I just scoop out the extra duckwort and mix it in around my plants as compost.


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