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not enough info Feelslikefelt Tp Abuse


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1. Abuser name: FEELSlikeFELT

2. Their Steam Id: 0:33147109

3. What server: Zombie Survival

4. About what time: 9PM Pacific

5. PROOF: Attached Below


6. Please tell us about the incident:


This guy abused TP twice despite warnings given. The first time was when he started a vote asking if tickle monster should be TP'ed to the humans. I thought he was joking but then he really did it. Seeing as unfair advantage I removed the tickle monster and warned him not to abuse again. He went on saying that he have been reported several times before so it doesn't matter to him.


The second time this guy 'Canecouch2007' asked FEELSikeFELT if he can TP him into the barricade. He agreed and did it, again.




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I created a vote and specifically put "Yes." as the second option so that "No." was the most likely to win. However, the entire population decided to give a resounding "Yes." You, however, took it into your own hands to slay a Boss Zombie for no reason other than "oh god it will surely kill me so let me abuse so i dont die." M'kay.


If Canecoach will post here as well, I'd be so happy.


He asked me to teleport him onto the roof of Last Mansion, but I said "no." I in fact teleported him into the sky.


I'm sure you didn't see that though, as your fingers were dancing over your keyboard in rage because (gasp!) heaven forbid a Gold member actually encourage fun shenanigans on the server.


Lastly, let all the people reading this gaze upon this thread and acknowledge that this user was banned for two months at one point for exploiting a map and has been known to abuse his Gold powers - with his most recent attempt being now.

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Teleport is to get players unstuck as human.

Any other use will be seen as favortism, and then others will start asking for it, and then other admins will start doing this shit.

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This demo only shows that youre abusing, by banning another admin. You do not control over any admin, only dA+ do. Most of the information and proof on here doesnt show anything towards this player abusing his powers. In the demo itself it doesnt even show that he ever teleported someone only that you banned him.

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