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How Bad Of Luck Can I Have?

Pocket Knife

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So, yeah. This previous christmas I received a WD My Passport Ultra external hard drive, 1TB.

It fucking broke.

for the fifth fucking time.

If you need to get an external hard drive, stay the fuck away from Western Digital.

I'm just gonna get a refund and get a fucking Toshiba.

so, yeah. excuse the cussing, but I'm pretty pissed. I gotta mail this bitch in and wait a month after they receive it to get ANY sort of compensation.


EDIT: No refunds. fuck.

Edited by Pocket Panda
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WD drives are pretty much the symbol of quality in the computer part market

really nothing goes wrong with either unless theyre mistreated or a lemon

What did you do? Fling the hard drive across the room? Spill a drink on it? Too much My Little Pony videos? I too have a WD hard drive and it has yet to break.

Yep. I have WD and nothin yet.

i have 3 externals and yeah all of them are WD 1 TB had them for 1-2 years works great :D


you guys are making me feel soooo much better that WD hard drives only break for me. <3 I love you all

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