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unbanned Wasn't Even Trolling...


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Dear Audio and the HG Squad,

I am deeply sorry for my actions on 6/17/14 in Teamspeak with Audiotape. I said a joke that I should not have said and will have to live up to the consequences. I was not intending to troll but rather have a joke which was taking wrongly by several members. To be clear I said an HG adviser was a hacker and slapped me as a JOKE but was turned around to me trolling. To the members I am have hurt I am sorry for my actions and they will not happen again.


Sorry again,



Edited by CowsGoMoo32
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That isn't why you were dreamwrecked.


You came into CSS JB Channel and started trolling and annoying other people in the channel.


No one took your joke wrongly. By the reactions and complaints from those in the channel, you were being annoying. You were told to stop but continued. Dreamwreck #1 happens.


About an hour passed, so we undid it, then some time later, you went to CSGO JB Channel and started annoying people in there. Which they say you do all the time. I entered that channel and you're doing the same thing, trolling and annoying people.


I was then linked this ban report on you, so I dreamwrecked you for the second time.


So if you understood in the ban report 2 weeks ago not to be annoying and troll in teamspeak why did this happen today?

Why should we believe this wont happen again?


edit: i forgot to mention you avoided dreamwreck #1 by connecting with new ID and asking me over voice about it relentlessly..

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That isn't why you were dreamwrecked.


You came into CSS JB Channel and started trolling and annoying other people in the channel.


No one took your joke wrongly. By the reactions and complaints from those in the channel, you were being annoying. You were told to stop but continued. Dreamwreck #1 happens.


About an hour passed, so we undid it, then some time later, you went to CSGO JB Channel and started annoying people in there. Which they say you do all the time. I entered that channel and you're doing the same thing, trolling and annoying people.


I was then linked this ban report on you, so I dreamwrecked you for the second time.


So if you understood in the ban report 2 weeks ago not to be annoying and troll in teamspeak why did this happen today?

Why should we believe this wont happen again?


edit: i forgot to mention you avoided dreamwreck #1 by connecting with new ID and asking me over voice about it relentlessly..


I didn't even know anyone in the CSS channel. I knew it looked like the wrong people but I just talked anyways because you people are nice.


The reason I had to get on the new ID was because you took EVERY SINGLE PERMISSION AWAY. Ok all taken away only way to contact you at the time was to get on another account which was just to contact you not to talk to other people. Next time messaging them and making sure they can message you would be deeply and greatly appreciated since I sat there for an hour not being able to do text, talk, move channel, poke you, anything.


Then I went to the CS:GO channel and thought you moved me because you were in the other one before. I was so confused and tried getting to the channel I wanted and couldn't find it since I was already in it. I wasn't trolling anyone when I moved in AS YOU WERE ALREADY THERE. There was no you joining. I don't troll on TS since I am rarely on as is. I am not even sure why I was on today since JB takes place in game. I think I just like the atmosphere.


I already knew NOT to troll and wasn't trying to troll anyone. I never admitted to frequent trolling as I explained that I was not going to since the last ban. You asked me weird questions trying to clearly troll me or get amusement out of me since they made no sense and you even said yourself you already knew the answer.... Why would you ask questions that you already knew the answer to other than to try and troll me?


Why should you believe this wont happen again? Well first off I never did anything wrong other than the fact that I went onto the other account to try and contact you at last. I even ironically talked to Freehugs last night and he even said that my trolling had stopped. Those days were over and people still said that I was trolling. Clearly you didn't even care to move me and just say cut the shit or undo it even an hour later. I rarely hop on TS and you can ask several other members that the trolling from me in general has stopped. Sure once a day I make a joke but I don't consider that to be trolling and you really blew the whole thing out of proportion.


Also what about the fact that I never got a warning EVEN FOR THE FIRST ONE. You just skipped everything and went to the dreamwreak.


At this point I am just rambling on and on so if there are any questions feel free to ask here or message me on steam for a faster reply.


Edit 2: Just to be clear if I didnt care about JB/ wanted to be a troll why would I buy VIP and why the hell would I still try to keep a clean record and maintain professionalism?

Edited by CowsGoMoo32
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