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cs:go Queue Switch


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I was just wondering if there was a way to make the queue switch happen at round end instead of whenever theres a spot on cts. I die a lot at the start of the round because I get switched and then I have to wait out a round. Bonbon pls


(Supposed to be in csgo section)

Edited by Elite
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Or heres another idea, you could contribute to the forum post instead of making a sarcastic, useless comment. I was just asking a simple question, and would hope that you could reply with a decent answer or nothing at all. Good day sir.

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Because you dont think before making this. What if admins switches himself on ct while you are waiting for round end, and then ratio is fucked and queue wont work, then you and other mad 100 jbkers gonna come here bitching about why it is not working.

So yeah to deal with jbkers you have to talk like jbker.

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