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Oh My God The Hype


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I know it was on the store awhile ago, i just forgot to make a thread about it or i was too lazy too(most likely the case), just excited it'll be out, and I agree with Chicken Wings. Although I have it and have spent so much time on xbox 360 on it i'll probably still buy it for pc

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Come now.

How typical of rockstar.

Ever time they release pc later.

A good company would just release it same day as console.

Too bad.

Even though they are lame to pc, I'll still buy it.

Rockstar is dumb.

Good companies don't release half assed non completed games.

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Come now.

How typical of rockstar.

Ever time they release pc later.

A good company would just release it same day as console.

Too bad.

Even though they are lame to pc, I'll still buy it.

Rockstar is dumb.

Yeah, dunno why they focus on releasing it for the console peasants first.

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